Natural Treatments For Depression

There are many factors that influence our morale. The way we see ourselves is the way we feel. Sometimes we can no longer bear the situations we are going through. We will then be discouraged until we fall lower and lower. However, some people are more prone to depression than others.

These people therefore rush to take medication which, in a way, relieves them. However, they are not aware that these are addictive drugs.

However, there are other ways to fight this problem and especially to prevent it from becoming permanent or recurring. So read this article and find out about the best natural remedies for depression.

Why are we depressed?The Depression

Depression is an emotional disorder and illness characterized by depression, deep sadness and distress. Its causes can be very varied. Some depend on chance, others not. Be careful :

Certain situations or predispositions conducive to depression:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Trauma due to accident, murder or tragedy
  • Death of a loved one
  • Stress
  • Heartache
  • Bad news troubles
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Consumption of drugs or other toxic substances
  • Psychological abuse

So there are many factors. The important thing is how we will face this ordeal. It is indeed necessary at all costs to try not to let go. On the contrary, solutions must be found so as not to remain in this painful state.

The social and personal consequences range from low self-esteem, lack of motivation and appetite to inability to work and suicide.

Moreover, negative psychological aspects, such as high levels of stress and deep depression, tend to inhibit the immune system which ends up having a greater propensity to contract diseases, cancers included.

But do not worry, there are nonetheless many forms of treating depression: psychotherapy, drugs, hypnosis … We therefore offer below  7 natural remedies that will help you.

Natural remedies that treat depression

Remedy # 1: Eat bananas

Depressed? Have no doubts: what you need is to eat bananas regularly. Bananas are the fruit of the nervous system and contain vitamins A, C and E as well as group B vitamins (B1, B2 and B12). It is also made up of potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.

Do not overdo it because it contains a lot of sucrose (sugar) but include a banana in your breakfasts or snacks every day and you will succeed in energizing yourself and better control your stress.

Remedy # 2: Macerated garlic

Believe it or not, the toxic substances that we accumulate in our bodies affect our emotional state. This remedy purifies and tones the body helping to prevent and eradicate depression. If you want to prepare it, gather:

  • 150 grams of fresh garlic
  • cider vinegar
  • mineral water
  • 2 tablespoons of grape marc
  • 150 grams of honey

Peel the garlic and cut it into pieces. Put it in a large enough container that you can close and cover it with the vinegar and water, in the same amount. Then add the grapes and honey and seal the tupperware tightly.

Store it in a cool, dark place for 9 days, mixing it daily. When the time is up, filter the maceration with a muslin or linen cloth. Keep it in an airtight container.

To fill yourself with the vital energy you need, you need to take a tablespoon of this potion before lunch and before dinner. You will be able to see the change!

Remedy # 3: cheer yourself up with dark chocolate

Didn’t you imagine it? Well, several scientific studies have shown that consuming dark chocolate every day for two weeks reduces the level of hormones that generate stress and depression. Eat chocolate and let yourself be carried away by positive energies.

Remedy # 4: aloe vera and honey syrupThe Depression

When melancholy and discouragement take hold of you, when you feel like you have run out of energy to do anything, this syrup can make all the difference. It is a fortifier that activates your immune system and tones your cells. To prepare it you will need:

  • 5 stems of Aloe vera (aloe)
  • 250 grams of honey
  • 2 spoons of whiskey or brandy.

First, remove the thorns from the aloe vera, wash it and then extract the pulp from it. Put the honey, alcohol and aloe vera in a mixer and then beat everything until you get a creamy drink. Then pour it into a sterilized container that you keep in a cool place.

Drink this syrup three times a day (one scoop before each meal). After a week, the results will surprise you!

Remedy # 5: Motivate yourself with tennis balls

This method comes from the days of the pharaohs, although they did not use tennis balls. It relieves depression or some other nervous disorder.

The idea is to activate a series of energy points which are on the soles of the feet and which influence morale.

To do this exercise, you need to sit in a comfortable chair and press down on a tennis ball while moving it with the soles of your bare feet. If you perform this self-massage daily, you will quickly feel much more active and optimistic. You will see !

Remedy # 6: Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Sometimes the solution to our problems is right in front of our eyes. We recommend that you reduce the amount of sugary foods you eat because this bad habit makes it easier to eliminate group B vitamins.

Vitamins B9 and B12 directly influence the development and stabilization of the nervous system. If you eat more eggs, spinach, carrots, watercress, fruits, and dairy products, you will have a better chance of getting out of depression.

Remedy # 7: Exercise

Sedentarism is the basis of many of our problems: obesity, heart attacks, depression. Having daily physical activity will help you release adrenaline and other hormones that influence your vitality. You will feel more alert, more courageous and more alive.

And to finish

Remember that many of the factors that cause these disorders come from our own habits and our self-esteem.

Love yourself, fully appreciate the wonders around you, enjoy your family, a walk, a dinner with friends, learn from your mistakes and try to move forward, surround you of energetic colors and music.

Create an environment conducive to recovery, use these remedies, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. Everything has a solution: come on, courage!

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