5 Home Remedies To Fight Against Lice

In addition to being very effective in eliminating lice, mayonnaise and vinegar hydrate the hair, and gives it shine. Leave it on for two hours, then use a fine comb to drag the parasites away.

Lice are very nasty little beasts that feed on human blood to survive.
This scourge is found in overcrowded places with few hygienic measures, and where it is easy to pass from the head of one person to another, by simple contact.

Even though lice prefer to live in the hair of people who live in unsanitary conditions, it is obvious that we are all concerned by their presence.

They can indeed choose any person to live in peace. 

Lice do not represent a great threat to the individuals who suffer from it but are very unpleasant and can cause discomfort, such as extreme itching on the head, irritation or even bacterial infections.

Fortunately, there are a great number of home remedies that can help us fight against them, to completely eliminate them from our lives and prevent other people from becoming infected.

Why Choose Home Remedies For Head Lice?

Home remedies are often the best alternative to get rid of lice as they have no side effects and they are completely safe.

The market offers us a large amount of shampoos and treatments for removing lice, but these products often contain toxic components that can affect our health or cause skin irritation.

In fact, most manufacturers of these products advise against applying them for too long, since they can have side effects.

Eliminating lice with home remedies is a healthy and effective option which, moreover, can facilitate the elimination of nits. Even if you have to be careful to be very regular, the results will be excellent. And you won’t have to worry about this problem again.

Mayonnaise and vinegar

Mayonnaise to fight against lice.

Mayonnaise and vinegar are two good allies for eliminating lice and nits. This treatment is really special because in addition to helping you get rid of this scourge, it makes your hair shinier and better hydrated.

How to prepare the mixture?

Mix two doses of mayonnaise for one dose of vinegar in a container and add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to it. Stir all the ingredients well and apply the mixture to all hair and scalp.

Leave it on for a few hours and then rinse your head with lukewarm water. Finally, detangle your hair with an anti-lice comb.

Eucalyptus infusion

Lice are very bothered by the smell of eucalyptus and the action it has on them when they come into direct contact.

How to prepare the mixture?

Put a good quantity of water to boil, add the eucalyptus leaves to it and let stand 15 minutes. Then apply this infusion all over the hair and scalp. And remove the lice and nits using a comb.

Apple vinegar

Vinegar to fight against lice.

This product, which is so easy to acquire in the market, has a powerful effect and makes it possible to put an end to lice and nits.

Take into account that if there are too many lice, or they are too big, it may not work 100%. However, its application can help reduce them significantly.

How to prepare the mixture?

Mix hot water and apple cider vinegar in equal parts and apply to dry hair.

Apple vinegar also contains properties that can improve our daily well-being. Discover in this article the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

The mixture of oils

A mixture of essential oils can be very suitable for removing lice and nits. Since it helps to slide them and at the same time it nourishes the hair.

You can mix coconut, jasmine, anise or geranium oil, among others, and then apply it all over the hair and scalp.

Leave it on for at least 30 minutes and you will facilitate the removal of lice with a comb.

Rosemary infusion

Rosemary against slow metabolism.

Rosemary is one of the most suitable herbs for the health of our hair, as it deeply cleanses, strengthens and stimulates hair growth. In addition, this plant is also ideal for fighting lice and nits because it repels them powerfully. 

How to prepare the mixture? 

Prepare an infusion of rosemary with boiling water and a few dry leaves. And, once cool, apply it all over the hair and scalp.

As in previous cases, it is best to use an anti-lice comb with very close teeth. In order to facilitate the elimination of these little animals and their young.

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