How To Create A Healthy Habit?

Learning to create healthy habits allows us to take big steps towards the projects or goals we want to achieve. How to go about it ? In this article, we give you some strategies.

There are few people who know how to go about creating a healthy habit. This is why, even if you have more than once wanted to improve your health, achieve a professional goal, learn another language, among many other things that can even involve your spiritual sphere – such as having more harmony in your life. your life – you don’t go all the way.

Habits are essential for getting what we aspire to. But, in general, we express excuses like “I don’t have time”, “I’m not motivated”, “I don’t feel ready yet” and many other excuses.

What is a healthy habit?

As we mentioned, habits are really important in our life. Indeed,  they guarantee us success by guiding us towards the objectives we want to achieve. Some research confirms that a habit is :

They also highlight this:

A woman who has adopted a healthy habit and is meditating in her bed

Moreover, it is necessary to differentiate between a habit and a custom, because these 2 terms do not refer to the same thing. Indeed, a custom corresponds to the repetition of acts, which do not necessarily have to be free or conscious. While habits involve making decisions on the part of the person who chooses to execute them.

In other words, habits are acquired by a specific decision and are taken in full awareness. This is why current theories emphasize the fact that:

This last definition implies that habits are put in place via a process in which memory plays a crucial role,  through associative learning.

How to create a healthy habit?

It is important to mention that, according to the annotations of some experts, when habits are acquired from the family nucleus,  they are more likely to accompany the person for the rest of his life.

In some cases, children begin to adopt their healthy habits through games of imitation of the behavior of adults around them.

However, knowing that a habit is learned,  it is possible to start acquiring it at any time in life. In the rest of this article, we offer some tips to help you create a healthy habit.

1. Think of something you want to achieve

You may want to improve some aspect of your life, like eating healthier,  ending addictions,  starting your day earlier, etc.

A woman thinking about how to adopt a healthy habit

2. Start by taking the first step

You don’t have to do big transformations on the same day. For example, if your goal is to start jogging every morning, jog for 5 or 10 minutes on the first day. Don’t force yourself. Little by little, you will get there.

3. Plan your habits well

Instead of saying “tomorrow I am going to run”, say instead: “tomorrow I wake up at 6 am and I will run for 5 minutes”. Be specific when programming your habits.

4. Make a schedule

Remember that as you create a new habit, you will come up with excuses to revert to your previous behavior. For example, “for one day it’s not a big deal”, “I’ll do it later”, “today I’m lazy”, etc. To avoid this, make a schedule and keep everything on hand in case the apologies come up.

Therefore, if you want to  enjoy the benefits of meditation, you can prepare the yoga mat and the bedroom the day before. In addition, if you want to run, also prepare your sports clothes the night before. If necessary, put your phone on silent and avoid distractions so you can concentrate better.

5. Set alarms on your phone to establish a healthy habit

Introduce specific tasks. If your phone rings at 6 am, it might be written as “time to go for a run”. On the other hand, you can leave some notes in certain strategic places of the house  – like the mirrors or the dining room – to remind you of your tasks.

6. Keep a log and observe the progress

When you get started with your program and learn a new habit, you will see how healthy that change is in your life. This will then maintain a higher level of motivation.


Keep in mind that replacing old habits, or just learning new ones, starts with changing certain  beliefs that get in the way. Some people prevent themselves from thinking and saying sentences like “I am like this”.

This belief is extremely limiting and can prevent you from achieving great goals. So you may need to start by reviewing your belief system.

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