How Do You Keep Those Toxic People Who Are Affecting Your Life At Bay?

To be able to keep toxic people at a distance, we must learn to recognize them and, despite the pain, know that keeping them out of our life is fundamental to growing up.

Our life is far too short and beautiful to burden it with more weight than necessary. There are behaviors in many people that gradually hurt us. These are the so-called toxic people, and it’s important to learn to walk away from them before they harm us.

In this article, we will present you with some guidelines for distinguishing these toxic people around us. Courtesy and education are not allies in stopping this type of people and distancing ourselves from them. No one is forced to put up with these negative vibrations which only involve problems and concerns. Learn to say no and live the life you’ve always dreamed of!

Psychological Profiles of Toxic People

To begin with, we must take into account the fact that we cannot qualify as the first toxic person with whom we will argue or who will contradict us.

In addition, it is important to always be critical of yourself. Have we ever questioned ourselves? Maybe we are acting poisonously with our friends and family without even realizing it?

The violent

how do you manage to keep toxic people away from your life?

Even if it costs us to accept it, there are bad people who have fun making others suffer. Many degrees of violence can develop, and in many forms. Even aggressive behavior can be seen as normal or excusable. However, the reality is quite different.

Even if it is a close family member or our partner, it is very important to cut the hurt at the root and not to let this kind of conduct slip away. Nothing can justify someone yelling at us, insulting us or assaulting us.


This type of behavior is defined by pure selfishness. People with this type of profile are those who apply the famous law of the funnel: “more for me, less for you”. They only call when they need something.

It is important to detect them quickly, and especially to know how to stop them as soon as possible. Denying them something will make you feel guilty, and that’s totally understandable, but you have to understand that they’re not real friends. You just have to put them to the test to see reality in the face and realize who these people really are.

The negative

Metaphorically, you could say that  negative people  are like emotional vampires. They absorb our vitality and energy. They experience every situation as a problem or a difficulty, even when the right opportunities arise.

These people are often specialists in distilling fear. And, whenever you share something, whether it’s a travel idea or a project, they’ll wave it down. If we follow their trend, we will end up in complete stagnation and we will fill our heads with doubts and indecision.


toxic people

A person can be financially unlucky. It’s not open to criticism, and that doesn’t mean he’s a toxic person. However, when someone who owes you money suddenly starts avoiding you… then the problems begin! Indeed, a toxic person will always have good excuses. She never assumes, always denies her responsibility. She will never accept being wrong.

If the person in question tells you that they cannot return the money they owe you but you realize that they still allow themselves other expenses, then it does not matter. no shadow of a doubt: you find yourself facing a toxic person. We have a foolproof piece of advice for you that will help you keep these types of people at bay: if they cheat on you once, it’s their fault. If they cheat on you twice, it’s your fault.

The jealous

There is nothing more toxic than having a jealous friend. Someone who, instead of rejoicing when beautiful things happen to us, is suspicious of us or jealous of us. The jealous will start resenting you, and sooner or later they will turn their resentment into betrayal.

The jealous person forgets all the efforts you may have made to achieve success, and never showcases what he himself has. He always idealizes the lives of others and often suffers from an inferiority complex. He envies a social position, a helping hand from fate, beauty, property, etc.

Practical advice for escaping toxic people

Put these tips into practice so that toxic people don’t affect you:

  • Try to keep a cool head and don’t take toxic behaviors as normal
  • Don’t trust someone who doesn’t know how to keep a secret
  • Do not allow people to despise you or to devalue you. Remember that the person who speaks badly of another with you, will speak badly about you with another
  • Remember that a person who breaks their word will never be a good friend
  • Stay away from rumors, because they don’t bring any good
  • Face situations head on and firmly
  • Don’t trust whoever crushes others to be on top

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