4 Foods To Avoid When Dieting

What foods to avoid when dieting? We will tell you about it in this article.

When thinking about losing weight, it’s common to just focus on what you can eat. However, it is also important to consider which foods to avoid in a diet for weight loss.

Knowing both what you can eat and what you cannot will make it easier for you to make choices when planning your trip.  menu  weekly or when you go out to eat out.  Would you like to know some guidelines?  Read on!

We will therefore leave you below a list of foods that are better to put aside for a while or, to minimize consumption, so they don’t jeopardize your weight loss plan.

4 foods to avoid when dieting to lose weight

If you feel like eating the foods you should avoid while dieting for weight loss, you can eat a small portion of it.  Keep in mind that the idea of ​​healthy eating is not to “deprive yourself” of it forever but to enjoy it occasionally, to do so in moderation.

1. French fries

French fries are one of the main foods   to avoid to lose weight during a diet, because they are high in saturated fat and carbohydrates. Some find it so addictive that it is difficult to moderate them, so it is best to avoid cooking them often.

You should absolutely avoid potatoes that have undergone a deep frying process. This includes :

  • Fries
  • Gratin dauphinois
  • Crisps with lots of salt or other seasonings

foods to avoid

The problem with these recipes is that even a very small portion is too high in calories. In addition, the portions of these preparations are so small that you always take more.

Of studies  show that consuming these foods can affect your overall health and increase your weight in a very short time.

However, you don’t have to stop eating potatoes in any other way. In fact,  you can eat them boiled,  steamed or in the  oven  in moderate quantities, with chicken, fish and vegetables.

Do not forget that  since potatoes are high in carbohydrates, they provide you with energy.  Therefore, enjoy it during the day and, most importantly, before you exercise.

In case you’re really in the mood for french fries, you better make your own oven fries. To give them flavor, add spices and play with new flavors. If you prefer something more traditional, just add salt and pepper. You will get the same effect without all of the calories and health risks.

2. Industrial snacks ( rich in carbohydrates)

Carbohydrates are another food you should avoid when it comes to weight loss. This includes the cookies, puffed rice, cereals, sweet cereal bars, bread, etc.

Although these are very easy and inexpensive buying options, they contain simple sugars that cause  of  glucose disorders. One of the most common examples is Maria’s cookies.

They are rich in carbohydrates and sugars. They can therefore promote weight gain if we do not consume them in moderation.

Plus, they only keep you full for a short time. This means that in a short time you will be hungry again and try to snack on anything, not exactly what is best for you (a piece of fruit, for example).

The ideal is to satisfy mid-morning and mid-afternoon cravings with healthy foods. These should contain a portion of fiber, carbohydrate, and protein. Here are some good options:

  • Low calorie cheese with a fruit
  • 1 apple and peanut butter
  • Yogurt with oatmeal and some almonds

3. Pastry cream, puddings and the like

Other foods that you should avoid for weight loss are creams, puddings, and related desserts. Especially those who are industrial, who even when they wear the label light , are not highly recommended.

Creams, puddings and similar preparations are  often high in added sugar.  Therefore, it is not appropriate to consume it regularly or as part of a weight loss diet, unless it is in moderation and prepared at home, in a way light.

4. White bread, cookies and the like

The last foods to avoid for weight loss are those made with refined flour.  White bread tends to contain high levels of sugar  , this is why he modifies  glycemia  .

In addition, since it is prepared with highly refined flours, its fiber content is minimal. For this reason, eating two slices of white bread a day can  increase  your risk of obesity.

foods to avoid

Cookies, cakes and other products contain unhealthy trans fats. While they can be delicious, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

If you fancy a slice of cake or a cookie, try finding some with wholemeal flour. They are less common and your palate may have a harder time adjusting, but they are healthier.

Ideally, make your own desserts at home with wholemeal flour, seeds and bitter chocolate. This way, you will be able to satisfy your cravings without gaining weight or putting your health at risk.

You should also avoid industrial drinks

foods to avoid

Industrial drinks (cola, flavored waters, teas, etc.) are another item that you should avoid consuming regularly if you want to maintain a healthy weight.

Also avoid machine coffees, commercial juices and any other liquid that may contain a large amount of  refined sugars .

Excessive consumption of these drinks has been shown to accelerate weight gain. For this reason, it is important that children and adults avoid sugary drinks as much as possible.

The best option is always to take a bottle of cold, unflavored water with you. If you prefer a touch of flavor, prepare fruit infusions, with mint or cinnamon.

To replace the coffee in the machine, choose to bring in homemade coffee. This way you can control the amount of sugar and it will surely be a better quality coffee.

We hope you now consider what foods to avoid so that your diet can finally be successful.

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