How To Reduce Dark Circles: 5 Natural Methods

To attenuate and reduce dark circles, it is important to have a good sleep hygiene, to follow a balanced diet but also to take into account certain remedies natural.

Dark circles are a fairly common cosmetic problem that affects many people. Normally, they influence the self-esteem of people who have them, as they decrease the freshness of the face, its natural beauty and also make it look much older. In this article, we give you some natural tips that will help you reduce dark circles!

Therefore, it is important to find a way to reduce dark circles under the eyes to improve the full appearance of our face as well. In this sense, natural remedies are a great alternative to decrease and prevent dark circles.

First of all, lack of sleep is one of the main causes of the appearance of dark circles, as well as many other health problems. So make sure you get enough sleep. The hours of sleep needed to be in good shape vary from person to person. The average is generally between 7 to 8 hours of rest per night.

On the other hand, eating healthy and hydrating properly are habits that help maintain your general health, but also prevent the appearance of dark circles. Stress and anxiety interfere with your sleep and eating habits. They therefore indirectly contribute to the appearance of dark circles. To limit them, take steps to relax your body and mind.

In addition, a lifestyle is a significant factor in the appearance of dark circles. To regain a sparkling gaze, reduce sources of stress, create moments of relaxation in your schedule and set up an exercise routine. You can also practice meditation.

For this reason, today in this article we are going to share with you five natural solutions that will help you reduce dark circles.

What are dark circles?

how to reduce dark circles?

The skin around the eyes is three to five times more fragile than the rest of the face and constantly in motion. This is why after a certain age, the area under the eyes reflects the first signs of skin aging. Dark circles are therefore a skin color located under the lower eyelids, where the skin is very thin.

Dark circles are formidable enemies of the beauty of our eyes. These variations in color of the skin, just under the eye, are unsightly and obscure the eye area. Their appearance is often equated with a lack of sleep but this is not the only factor responsible. It is usually a change in the color of the skin due to excessive production of melanin. The appearance of dark circles can come from genetics but also from other external factors.

For dark circles, there are also two scenarios. Dark circles due to hyperpigmentation, common in people with dark skin, and those due to fatigue and aging, which lead to more or less dark circles after a long evening. A rigorous lifestyle can prevent the appearance of dark circles because no treatment is really effective or available until now.

Main causes of dark circles

One of the most common causes of the appearance of dark circles is having thin, sensitive skin, especially around the eyes. In addition, the age and action of the sun usually dehydrates the skin and makes it darker and sagging.

Dark circles can also be due to poor lifestyle habits. Their appearance can be explained for example by a lack of sleep, age, tobacco, alcohol or stress. The loss of collagen can also cause dark circles to appear. Fatigue also slows down blood circulation, the blood stagnates and stains the skin. The more sleep is lacking, the darker the dark circles will be and the more pronounced the dark circles.

The appearance of dark circles is also mainly attributable to poor blood circulation and lymphatic tissue disorder. Lymph is responsible for the drainage of skin tissue. If it does not work well, the removal of pigments grouped under the skin will not be able to be done properly. The epidermis is up to 4 times thinner under the eyes than on the rest of the body, which is why we often see dark circles appearing in this area of ​​a brown or bluish color. Dark circles can also be caused by the hereditary factor or by a poor lifestyle.

Bags under the eyes are the result of an accumulation of water and fat. A poor lifestyle (alcohol, tobacco, lack of sleep, etc.) can cause water retention. Lymph vessels can also be the cause of the problem if they are not functioning properly.

The elimination of dark circles begins with a daily beauty routine: sleep well, avoid smoking and take the time to relax. But, if these elementary gestures are insufficient to overcome these unsightly colorings, do not panic, there are effective solutions.

To reduce and diminish dark circles, there are many natural solutions. For this purpose, today we are going to present to you in this article 5 very effective natural methods to reduce dark circles.

reduce dark circles

1. Cold spoons

This remedy is extremely useful when you wake up with puffy eyes or your dark circles are blue. Cold is one of the best options for reducing inflammation and lessening the bags that form under the eyes.

What do you need ?

  • 2 spoons

What should you do ?

  • Place two spoons in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, they will be very cold and you can then use them.
  • Apply them directly to the eye area, exerting light pressure to make the action happen faster.
  • In addition, you can also cover an ice cube in a cloth and rub all over the swollen eye area to reduce dark circles.

Spoons made of metal cool very quickly in the refrigerator. Applied to the eyes, they will have the same effect as cold water compresses or ice cubes. To regain a fresh look in ten minutes flat, place two teaspoons for 15 minutes in the refrigerator before applying them to the eyes. Admittedly, it is not very pleasant, but the cold awakens the eyes by activating the microcirculation.

When you wake up, you sometimes notice that the skin around the eyes is swollen. To remedy this, it is also sufficient to apply compresses soaked in cold water on each of the eyelids for a few minutes. The swelling of the eyes will have significantly reduced after this application. You can also opt for small ice cubes wrapped in a towel so as not to attack the skin. The effect will be faster due to the cooler temperature of the ice cubes.

2. Green tea bags

Thanks to the antioxidants in green tea, this natural product prevents aging and helps eliminate dark spots on the skin. Green tea bags are therefore very useful in improving the appearance of dark circles.

In addition to its many virtues for the skin and health, green tea helps fight against dark circles thanks to the tannins it contains. It helps reduce the color of dark circles and reduce eyelid swelling.

What do you need ?

  • 2 bags of green tea
  • 1 glass of lukewarm water (200 ml)

What should you do ?

  • Place the two green tea bags in a glass of lukewarm water and let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Wash the eye area with this water at least three hours before going to bed every night.
  • You will notice the results and improvement in the reduction of dark circles within a week.

You can also soak two cotton pads in cold green tea and place them over your eyes. The cold optimizes the decongestion of the vessels and reduces the swelling of the eyelids.

3. Cold milk

In addition to providing relief to your skin and eyes, cold milk can reduce circles when used regularly. It is one of the easiest remedies that you can use in your daily life and whenever you remember it.

The natural fat in milk will help hydrate the face and make it smoother. In addition, the temperature of cold milk will contribute to the rapid decrease in the swelling of dark circles under the eyes.

What do you need ?

  • 2 cottons
  • ½ glass of cold milk (100 ml)

What should you do ?

  • Dip the two cottons in the cold milk.
  • Then, place these cotton pads soaked in cold milk all around the eyes to reduce dark circles.
  • Leave to rest for a few minutes.

4. Cucumber slices

Composed of 95% water, cucumber is a great natural source of hydration for your eyes. The copper present in this vegetable promotes the formation of collagen, a benefit for the skin around the eyes which is very fragile and sensitive.

This remedy is one of the most popular and known in the world of aesthetics. Cucumber helps reduce facial swelling thanks to the caffeic acid and vitamin C it is made from. In addition, its application does not require much effort.

In reality, its action is due to the large amount of water it contains and its cooling effect. Thus, it hydrates the eye area and participates in lymphatic and blood drainage. The combination of these effects decreases the visibility of dark circles and reduces swelling of the eyelids.

What do you need ?

  • 2 slices of cucumber

What should you do ?

  • Peel the cucumber and cut it into several slices.
  • Let these slices cool in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  • When these cucumber slices are cold enough, remove them from the refrigerator and place them over your eyes.
  • Leave on for 15 minutes and wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water.

This water-soaked vegetable offers beneficial moisturizing properties for the radiance of the eyes. Apply a washer to each eye at night, before going to bed, and leave on for ten minutes. The eyes will be more rested and the appearance of dark circles will diminish.

5. Egg whites

egg white to reduce dark circles

Although less known than the previous one, this remedy is characterized by its extreme effectiveness. Egg white contains vitamin B12 which helps improve circulation and soften the skin. Hence, this remedy will also help you reduce the appearance of dark circles.

What do you need ?

  • 1 egg white

What should you do ?

  • Beat the egg white until stiff.
  • Then, using a brush, apply the egg white to the swollen area just below the eyes.
  • Leave this egg white remedy to work for 15 minutes then remove with plenty of cold water.

With the daily application of these remedies, you can easily reduce dark circles on your face. In addition, these solutions are also preventive, so you will also reduce the appearance of dark circles. So now you know that you can take advantage of the properties of these natural and easy-to-use products.

The eye area requires more care, as it is the most sensitive part of the face. You can take advantage of the properties of certain essential oils to reduce dark circles under the eyes. In this article, we are going to tell you about 6 essential oils that help reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes in no time. Dark circles and bags under the eyes are very common and uncomfortable for everyone. They are a sign of fatigue and age us.

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