Drinking A Glass Of Wine A Day Is Good For Your Health

Drinking a glass of wine a day brings many benefits to our body. However, do not exceed this amount and still do a little exercise to get in shape.

Numerous studies tell us that consuming a glass of wine on a regular basis can bring us the same effects as those provided by a sporting activity. Incredible, isn’t it?

This does not mean to stop playing sports,  but simply to take advantage of all the benefits that grapes contain.

Do you want to know why a glass of wine a day equals an hour of physical exercise?  Read the rest of this article to find out!

The study that supports this theory

The University of Alberta, Canada, was commissioned to conduct this study.

Its researchers were able to discover that wine contains a substance called resveratrol, which can provide us with benefits similar to those provided by an hour of physical training in the gym, or in the open air.

Drinking a glass of red wine a day is great for the heart. This is a given that was already known to specialists in the subject.

But the Canadian study complements this assertion. By drinking a glass of red wine a day, we can:

  • Improve our physical performance
  • Increase our muscle strength
  • Regulate the flow of blood to our heart

The Journal of Physiology published this study, in which it appears that resveratrol is an excellent substitute for exercise for some people.

Lead researcher Jason Dyck said the recommended dose for this effect is one drink at dinner.


There is therefore no question of adopting an excessive consumption of wine.

Scientists also point out that all of these benefits can only be obtained with red wine, and that ingestion should be carried out every other day.

As you already understood, it is therefore not a question of going to buy liters and liters of wine at the supermarket, thinking that you do not need to exercise anymore.

We could summarize the findings of this study by saying that wine is not a substitute, but rather a supplement, to a good workout routine.

For example, you can drink wine on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, and dedicate Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday to exercise.

If you drink more than one glass a day, drink it every day, or lead a very sedentary lifestyle, the positive effects of wine will be completely wiped out.

What benefits does wine bring to our health?

We already know that wine helps us avoid going to the gym every day, but what real benefits does it bring us if we drink it every now and then at dinner? 

It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Red wine helps people vulnerable to heart attacks to avoid suffering from arteriosclerosis or ischemic and coronary pathologies.

It fights cholesterol

Wine is a great source of antioxidants, which lower bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol. It also helps to regulate the level of triglycerides in the blood. 

It strengthens the immune system

If you get sick often, your natural defenses are certainly very weak.

By drinking red wine, you will strengthen your immune system against infections, the flu or allergies.

It is an ideal element so as not to suffer too much from temperature changes and the onset of winter.

It reduces allergies

Wine has excellent antihistamine action, perfect for combating seasonal allergies. It is also antibacterial.

It improves skin health

This property is due to the wine’s high content of antioxidants and vitamins.

It helps prevent premature aging, wrinkles, or spots on the skin. Drinking wine will make you look younger and make your complexion more radiant!

It decreases inflammation

If you’ve bumped into yourself or suffer from a disease that causes swelling (like arthritis, for example), don’t hesitate to have a glass of wine for dinner.

It improves blood circulation

When it enters the body, wine acts as an excellent anticoagulant agent.

However, its consumption is not recommended for people who suffer from diseases that frequently lead to bleeding, for example.

It is rich in nutrients

Red wine provides us with many minerals and trace elements, for example:

  • Magnesium
  • Lithium
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Zinc

It facilitates digestion

It is advisable to drink wine when eating meat or cheese, as it helps digest protein better and relieve symptoms of acidity, or reflux.

Wine is also said to be excellent for preventing stomach ulcers.

It prevents the formation of kidney stones

Generally, wine is excellent for kidney and urinary functions.

It is primarily recommended for people who tend to suffer from kidney stones, bladder infections, or urethral problems.

It improves oral health

The antioxidants contained in wine have the ability to reduce inflammation and the proliferation of bacteria present in the mouth, and in particular on the teeth.

Drinking a glass of wine protects the brain

Resveratrol also helps to take care of our mental functions.

It can help people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or those who have a predisposition to mental illnesses.

Indeed, a glass of wine helps stimulate certain brain functions, such as memory or concentration.

It prevents cancer

Many studies claim that the flavonoids contained in this drink produced from grapes are very important for preventing prostate cancer in particular.

Drinking a glass of wine improves eyesight

The antioxidants in wine help protect our eyes from various diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration.

Wine has other benefits

If all of the above information fails to convince you to drink wine, be aware that this drink can also produce the following effects:

  • Wine decreases the risk of suffering from hemorrhoids.
  • It helps soothe the symptoms of varicose veins.
  • It lowers blood pressure.
  • Helps balance insulin levels in the blood.
  • Wine prevents the formation and accumulation of fat in the belly.
  • It helps fight gingivitis.
  • Wine reduces sore throats.
  • It releases endorphins, which increase the feeling of pleasure.
  • Wine decreases the negative consequences of a sedentary life.
  • It helps to clean the palate and the tongue.

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