3 Delicious Artichoke Recipes For Weight Loss

Artichoke contains nutrients and properties that will help you lose weight more easily. Find out how to prepare artichoke recipes in several ways to take advantage of all of its health benefits.

Artichoke recipes for weight loss have become one of the most interesting supplements for many diets. 

This vegetable is loaded with nutrients that help promote “fat burning” without endangering health. In addition to this, its diuretic effects fight water retention and allow the control of inflammation which, in a way, affects the figure.

For this reason, there is a growing interest in knowing how to incorporate it into our diet to fully benefit from it. Why is artichoke so recommended for weight loss? How should we consume it for weight loss?

If you have not yet resolved these doubts, we invite you to read this article today. We are going to explain the main benefits of this wonderful vegetable as well as 3 delicious artichoke recipes that will help you lose weight.

Properties and benefits of artichoke for weight loss

The artichoke, known scientifically as Cynara Scolymus L , is a plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family, cultivated in ancient times in countries such as Greece and Rome. It is nowadays known around the world and is listed as one of the healthiest vegetables.

Some know it for its gastronomic applications, because it is very versatile and easily combined with other foods. However, its popularity is mostly due to its medicinal uses, as it has many properties that are very beneficial for health.

In addition, in addition to being very low in calories, it contains an interesting source of nutrients that help the body meet its daily needs.

Among these nutrients, the most notable are:

  • Dietary fiber
  • B-complex vitamins
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Phytosterols
  • Protein

The benefits of artichoke

Many people consume artichoke for weight loss. What most people don’t realize is that artichoke contains other important health benefits as well.

Although it has become popular for its effects on weight, it is a vegetable that also prevents and fights many diseases. 

Regular consumption of artichokes promotes the proper functioning of our organs and also regulates blood pressure. Plus, artichokes are rich in vitamin K, an essential component for cardiovascular and cognitive health. All of this will make you feel better, healthier, lighter and more energetic.

A regular consumption of artichoke will bring you, among others, the following benefits:

  • Protects liver health and stimulates bile production.
  • Helps purify the blood and reduces the presence of toxins in the body.
  • Thanks to the diuretic properties of the artichoke, it will participate in eliminating the liquids retained in the tissues.
  • Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.
  • Improves circulatory health and protects arteries.
  • Promotes intestinal motility and fights constipation.
  • Lowers uric acid levels.
  • Relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve headaches.
  • Prolongs the feeling of fullness and decreases the urge to eat.

The best artichoke recipes for weight loss

Artichoke recipes for weight loss contain a substance called cynarin. This promotes in particular the digestion of fats and reduces their accumulation in the body. On the other hand, artichokes contain a type of prebiotic fiber that helps regulate the intestinal flora.

1. Infusion of artichoke and field horsetailartichoke for weight loss

One of the best weight loss options is natural artichoke and horsetail drink . Their nutrients promote calorie burning, improve blood circulation, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.


  • 1 artichoke
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of horsetail
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


  • Cut an artichoke into several pieces then boil them in the cups of water.
  • When the water comes to a boil, reduce the heat then add the 2 tablespoons of horsetail.
  • Then let them cook for 3 more minutes and then turn off the heat.
  • When the drink has steeped after 10 minutes, strain it through a colander and add the lemon juice.

Way of consuming

  • Drink a cup of infusion on an empty stomach and repeat its consumption in the afternoon.
  • Consume this infusion at least 3 times a week.

2. Artichoke saladartichoke for weight loss

The taste of this vegetable is very pleasant. For this reason, we recommend that you use artichoke in many different dishes. An interesting way to consume it on a daily basis is to incorporate it into low-calorie salads. In this article, we offer you this salad with artichokes:


  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 tomato
  • ½ onion
  • Parsley and salt (to taste)
  • Extra virgin olive oil and sherry vinegar (to taste)


  • Peel the artichokes, cut them in half and soak them in a bowl of water with a sprig of parsley.
  • Then, cook the artichoke in water with salt (to taste) and drain it.
  • Prepare a vinaigrette using the green pepper, grated tomato and chopped onion.
  • Mix everything well in a bowl, including the artichokes, and add the olive oil.

Way of consuming

  • Enjoy this light artichoke salad during lunch or in the evening for dinner.

3. Artichoke omelet

If you prefer to consume artichoke for weight loss for breakfast, this delicious artichoke omelet is a great option. It contains a “plus” of protein which will help you to have more tone throughout the day.


  • 1 artichoke
  • 4 eggs
  • Salt and oil (to taste)


  • Cut the artichoke into thin slices and heat them with a little salt and oil in a saucepan.
  • Once the artichokes are cooked, place them upside down on a paper towel.
  • Beat the eggs and pour them into a non-stick pan.
  • Add the artichoke slices and mix them well with the eggs.
  • Cook over medium heat before enjoying your artichoke omelet.

Way of consuming

  • Enjoy this artichoke omelet for breakfast or in the evening for dinner.

Do you dare to include these recipes in your diet and in your daily meals? You don’t need to be on an overly strict artichoke diet. Do not hesitate to prepare these recipes and consume them in addition to a healthy and balanced diet.

Other recommendations

Finally, to finish, know that artichokes are not recommended for people who suffer from stones in the gallbladder. Indeed, this vegetable stimulates the production of bile and can therefore prove to be counterproductive. In this case, avoid consuming artichokes if you are suffering from gallbladder problems.

Among the many benefits of artichoke, you will benefit from its purifying properties, which eliminate toxins. On the other hand, its supply of antioxidants will strengthen your immune system.

According to experts in medicine and nutrition, artichoke is a real destroyer of toxins because its natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals are direct allies for liver health.

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