3 Recipes Based On Brussels Sprouts

Recipes based on Brussels sprouts are recipes rich in nutrients and strong in taste. Discover three delicious recipes here!

Thanks to the nutrients and intense taste of their main ingredient, dishes made with Brussels sprouts are always a great option.

Children and adults alike will love the recipes we deliver here and want to include them in their eating routine.

There are different ways to prepare Brussels sprouts. Imagination and creativity are two essential keys to preparing delicious recipes. This means that, of course, you can always adapt recipes to your tastes.

1. Brussels sprouts with zucchini cream

Brussels sprouts


  • 1 kg of Brussels sprouts
  • 2 large zucchini
  • 2 glasses of milk (500 ml)
  • 5 tablespoons of liquid cream (75 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (15 ml)
  • salt and pepper as you wish
  • water (amount needed)


  • Wash, peel and cut the two zucchini into small pieces.
  • In a saucepan, pour enough water to cook the vegetables. Bring the water to a boil.
  • When the water boils, add the Brussels sprouts and a pinch of salt. Leave to cook for about ten minutes.
  • In another saucepan, cook the zucchini pieces with a pinch of salt until the pieces become tender.
  • When the zucchini pieces are ready, drain them and crush them using a blender.
  • When the Brussels sprouts are ready, drain them and put them in a saucepan in which you will pour the two cups of hot milk and incorporate the zucchini cream. Leave to heat for about twenty minutes.
  • Once this period of time has elapsed, remove the saucepan from the heat and add the two tablespoons of liquid cream as well as the olive oil. Salt and pepper as you wish, and stir well to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Taste your recipe to adjust the amount of salt and pepper if necessary.
  • Your dish is now ready to be tasted!

2. Brussels sprouts with cream


  • 1 kg of Brussels sprouts
  • 2 glasses of milk (400 ml)
  • 1/2 glass of liquid cream (100 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of butter (20 g)
  • water
  • salt and pepper as you wish


  • Pour the water into a saucepan, then add the pinch of salt. Bring the water to a boil.
  • When the water boils, stir in the Brussels sprouts and cook for about ten minutes or until they become tender.
  • When the  indicated time has elapsed, drain the cabbages and set them aside.
  • Empty the saucepan used to cook the Brussels sprouts, then pour the milk into the same saucepan.
  • When the liquid comes to a boil, stir in the Brussels sprouts and reduce the heat.
  • Stir constantly. Stir in the butter, single cream, salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients well.
  • When the butter has completely melted, remove the saucepan from the heat.
  • Your dish is ready to be served! Good tasting !

3. Creamed Brussels sprouts with garlic and onion

Brussels sprouts


  • 1 kg of Brussels sprouts
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 250 ml of liquid cream
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 ml)
  • Salt and pepper as you like


  • Wash the Brussels sprouts well. Cut off the hardest part of the stem and remove the outer leaves. Wash them again and drain them.
  • Put the Brussels sprouts in a saucepan with a little water and a pinch of salt. As for the quantity of water, it must correspond to the equivalent of a finger.
  • Cook the vegetables for fifteen minutes.
  • When the Brussels sprouts are cooked, drain and season them to taste. Save them for later. Ditto for the liquid still present in the pan.
  • Cut the onion and garlic into thin strips.
  • On a frying pan, pour a drizzle of olive oil and cook the garlic and onion over medium heat for ten minutes or until they take a nice golden color. Don’t distract yourself, otherwise you risk letting them burn.
  • Once the garlic and onion are golden, reduce the heat and stir in the liquid cream. Stir everything for five minutes until you obtain a cream with a smooth and smooth texture.
  • Add the Brussels sprouts to the pan and stir everything for a few minutes, taking care not to disfigure the sprouts. If the cream is too thick, pour in two tablespoons of the liquid you previously set aside.
  • Your recipe is ready. All you have to do is serve and taste! Enjoy your meal !

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