Take This Test To Find Out Your Anxiety Level!

We must learn to control our emotions and manage our anxiety so as not to harm our body. Relax and take care of your health.

Anxiety… We all suffer from it in our life, to a greater or lesser extent. It is a feeling that can be justified in small doses. This indeed keeps us alert, as if stimulated. But, if it is chronic, it can be extremely harmful.

Are you within a reasonable limit of anxiety, or have you already crossed the yellow line, dangerous for your health? You will immediately find out with this very simple test!

The anxiety test

This test is very simple. It is in fact based on illustrations. You will thus see all the small steps that form an excess of anxiety, and that you must take into account: physical symptoms, cognitive symptoms, behavioral symptoms, etc. 

It is normal that at certain times of the year our level of anxiety is higher than at others, due to personal factors.

But, still be careful to control your anxiety. Also learn how to manage it. If you score high on this test, it will mean it’s time to make some changes, prioritize, and most importantly, think of yourself!

We therefore invite you to take care of yourself, love yourself more, be happy and keep your spirits up every day. To find out a little more about your anxiety level, we invite you to take this very simple little test. Grab some paper and a pen, and go! 

1. The cognitive symptoms scale

a) I have trouble concentrating: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

b) I only see the negative side of things, I always anticipate negative things before positive things: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

c) I often have memory loss: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

d) I often have dark thoughts: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

e) I have trouble making decisions, I often think too much before doing something: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

2. The Behavioral Symptoms Scaleanxiety

a) I eat often to calm my anxiety: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

b) I often prefer to avoid certain situations than to face them: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

c) I have a few nervous tics: I often move my legs, I bite my nails, I fiddle with my hair …: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

d) I often drop objects that I hold in my hands: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

e) I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night, I keep rolling over in bed: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

f) I cry very often: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

3. The scale of physical symptoms

a) I often have feelings of anxiety or apprehension: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

b) I am never quiet, I am always nervous: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

c) I often have tachycardia: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

d) I always end my days very tired, I feel like I won’t be able to get up the next day: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

e) I have a lot of sleep problems, I sleep poorly at night and I fall asleep, without realizing it, during the day:

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

f) Almost every day, I have headaches, neck aches, backaches …: 

– Never (0 point)

– From time to time (2 points)

– Often (3 points)

– Always (4 points)

Interpretation of the anxiety testanxiety

From 0 to 18 points – No anxiety

Sometimes you may be a little more nervous than usual. But, your response to stressful situations is adequate, and perfectly normal. It is very good !

From 19 to 36 points – Mild or moderate level of anxiety

You are within the limits of normality. But you have to be careful. Indeed, even if it is not a high level of anxiety, you must quickly establish limits so as not to fall into a state of too much stress. You have normal levels of anxiety, but keep thinking about your health, and the need to manage your emotions well.

From 37 to 54 points – Strong anxiety

Warning. You suffer from too much anxiety. So now is the time to make changes in your daily life, to get moving and to realize that there are many aspects of your life that you need to improve.

If you don’t, your health will suffer. If you are not careful then you will have very serious emotional and health problems. So start looking at life on the bright side. Get help too, then make the changes!

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