5 Exercises To Treat The Heel Spur

As the pains caused by a heel spur can be extremely violent, if they last over time despite the practice of the exercises we are going to tell you about, it is better to consult your doctor.

The calcaneal spur is a bony protuberance that forms at the level of the heel bone, as explained in this study carried out by León Cuervo Rubio Hospital (Pinar del Río, Cuba). This protuberance can cause inconvenience while walking or while performing other activities.

The pains are often acute and start in the inside of the foot. They are generally more present in the morning.

These pains disappear with rest and reappear as soon as the patient becomes active again. They can cause, among other things, difficulties in dorsiflexion of the ankle.

Fortunately, certain stretching exercises can be very effective in combating this pain and in treating the heel spur. If you do not see improvement after a few days, you should see a doctor.

The causes of the heel spur

According to this study carried out by the University of Orleans (France), this pathology affects one in four people in the world. The following factors influence its appearance:

  • Age : it is a trigger, but it is far from being the only cause of heel spurs.
  • Overweight : Obese people who spend many hours standing are more likely to develop it.
  • Intense sports practice : an excess of activity can also generate this pain.
  • Flat feet : this malformation can influence the appearance of a spur. People who have a weak Achilles tendon are also in this situation.
  • Unsuitable shoes : the use of shoes with thin soles or heels (especially needles) can cause the appearance of a heel spur.

Recommended exercises for treating the heel spur

1. The towel exercise

towel exercise to treat the heel spur

This exercise is ideal for treating the heel spur; it is extremely easy to do.

  • To implement it, you just have to put a towel on the floor and try to grab it, then pull it towards you, with your toes.
  • You can weight the towel down a bit to make the exercise a bit more difficult.

2. The ribbon exercise

This exercise is an excellent alternative to treat the heel spur, but also to relieve various alterations that may appear in the foot.

  • Sit on the floor. Keep your back straight and straighten your legs out in front of you.
  • Thread a ribbon over the soles of your feet and grab both ends of it with both hands.
  • You should then pull your foot towards you, using the tape, while you push against the direction with your leg.
  • Hold this resistance position for 20 seconds.
  • Perform 25 repetitions on the affected foot, 2 to 3 times per day.

3. The ball exercise

One foot on a tennis ball

This exercise involves rolling a small ball with the sole of your foot affected by a heel spur. It is also ideal for people who suffer from plantar fasciitis.

  • Place your foot on a ball and roll it. In this way, you will perform a massage that will relax the sole of your foot.
  • To complete this exercise, apply pressure on the ball from the tip of your foot to your heel.

4. The water bottle exercise

For this exercise, you are going to need a bottle of frozen water.

  • Place the water bottle on the floor, cover it with a towel, then place your foot on it.
  • Rotate the soles of your feet for at least 5 minutes.
  • Perform this exercise 3 times a day.

This stretching exercise will allow you to soothe any pain you may be feeling. In addition, the cold from the bottle will act as a local anesthetic.  

5. Calf stretch

stretches to treat the heel spur

  • This is a very simple exercise where you will only need to stand facing a wall. Then place your hands on that wall and flex one leg as you stretch the other.
  • You have to lean forward, as if you want to move the wall, in order to stretch the calf of the outstretched leg.
  • Hold the position for 10 to 15 seconds.

Some tips to relieve pain due to the heel spur

  • Minimize your sports activity and try to rest as long as you can.
  • Choose a pair of shoes that are suitable for your feet to reduce inflammation and pain and prevent injury, as this research from Clinic Las Condes (Chile) suggests . We recommend that you opt for padded shoes, with a flexible sole and a small heel, to keep your feet in a good position.
  • Good soles will allow you to absorb shocks when you walk.
  • Apply ice and cold compresses three times a day, for about 15 minutes, to reduce the pain you feel.
  • We also recommend that you follow a healthy diet, which will allow you to lose a few pounds if you are overweight.
  • Keep in mind that being overweight is one of the main causes of the appearance of heel spurs. If you lose weight, you will be able to get rid of this problem and improve your health.

The content of this article is presented for informational purposes. If you feel any pain while performing one of the exercises that we have just presented to you, do not hesitate to consult a doctor so that he can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a personalized treatment.

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