14 Ways To Take Care Of Your Hair

Remember not to brush your hair when it is still wet, as it will damage it; and to use alcohol-free products, as they are less aggressive. If you use a hair dryer, don’t bring it too close to your head.

Your hair is sensitive to many factors: environmental humidity, heat, the concentration of salts in the water, ultraviolet rays, the pain you are making, stress.

It’s not easy to keep them shiny, soft, healthy, but you can do it. Don’t worry and get paper and pen ready as we’ll show you 14 ways to take care of them. 

14 ways to take care of your hair

Tip # 1: brush and comb

It is important to use a brush with natural bristles and to brush the hair gently so as not to damage either the root or the hair fiber. 

Also avoid doing this while they are wet. They are indeed more sensitive and will break more easily. To do this better, use a wide-tipped comb and remember to start with the tips.

Tip # 2: which products will you use?

You already know that the different chemicals you expose yourself to every day can be replaced by natural products. 

For example, if you have dry hair you can opt for a good treatment with natural hot oils. Shampoos that contain alcohol are very aggressive on the scalp, the same goes for some hair gels and stylers.

Finally, never use water that is too hot or too cold to wash your head, it is better to use lukewarm water. In case you notice that you are losing them, do not color them or put chemicals on them. your hair

Tip # 3: cut them at the right time

There is a mysterious relationship between haircut and the moon: if you cut it on a day when the moon is quarter-crescent, it will grow faster. On the contrary, if you cut them on a day when the moon is in a waning quarter, they will take longer to grow.

But do not hesitate to cut your ends to obtain good oxygenation and promote their growth and fortification.

Tip # 4: be careful with the blow dryer

The hot air from the dryer affects the roots of the hair. So make sure you keep the equipment at least six inches away from your head. And if what you want is to fix your hairstyle, using cold air is the best option.

Tip # 5: shiny hairyour hair

Who wouldn’t love to have shiny hair? Unfortunately dust and lack of nutrients and exposure to cigarette and tobacco smoke can cloud it. This treatment will make them look soft forever.

You only need to wash them with a solution of lukewarm water and apple cider vinegar. You can also use filtered lemon juice. This method will also eliminate dandruff and other infectious agents.

Tip # 6: dirty combs and brushes

You already know what dust and grease do to them. Now remember that the instruments you use to care for them get dirty and therefore dirty.

I recommend that you put four tablespoons of yeast or baking soda in a container full of lukewarm water. Leave it all on for 20 minutes and then rinse. You will see that they will stay clean!

Tip # 7: Wonderful Shampoo For Normal Hairaloe juice

Aloe vera has many properties. It was once used in pharmacies to make creams, moisturizers, massage emulsions … well this shampoo will leave your hair soft and shiny in a week of use. Remember, you shouldn’t use it if you have dry, oily hair.

You need 100ml of honey shampoo, 200ml of Aloe juice and 2 tablespoons of whiskey. You just have to mix the 3 ingredients and spin with energy. Store it in a bottle, in the dark for 6 months, and then you can use it.

Tip # 8: for oily hair and dandruff

To strengthen your hair, eliminate dandruff and excess fat, this syrup is ideal. In just a month you will notice that your hair is growing faster and stronger.

You need a liter of white wine, 10 grams of agar-agar seaweed, 10 grams of hijiki seaweed, 10 grams of kombu and lemon balm. Put the wine and seaweed in a saucepan and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Pour everything into a container and close it tightly, let stand for three days in a dry place away from light, shaking it from time to time. Then filter the cooking content and add the same amount of molasses. Leave it and keep it.

Take half a glass three times a day, before each meal. Since agar agar is very gelatinous, it is likely that the syrup will need to be reheated in a double boiler each time. 

Tip # 9: Homemade conditioneryour hair

Do you want to see the soft and shiny hair? You only need a homemade conditioner: rub your scalp with mayonnaise for 5 minutes before using the shampoo. You will see that they will shine divinely!

Tip # 10: homemade moisturizer

Hair dries out very easily: atmosphere, some shampoos, and even water can cause this effect, but you can fix everything with this moisturizer. 

Prepare to feel like a professional hairdresser. You need a ceramic container and a wooden spoon to mix two spoons of honey, one spoon of olive oil and one egg yolk.

Apply this cream to your hair, massaging gently with your fingertips. Cover your head with a towel and wait 20 minutes. Then you can wash them as always.

Tip # 11: hair restorer

What a horror these forks which rebel from everywhere! Do not worry, with this treatment your hair will remain soft and will be restored. Mix a spoon of honey, two egg yolks, a spoon of yogurt. and a spoon of hot water.

Apply with a light massage all over the hair and wrap your head in aluminum foil. Wait 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of hot water.

Tip # 12: nutritious creamyour hair

Nothing better for your hair than a wonderful nourishing cream, your roots will grow stronger and your hair will grow faster.  In a container, crush the flesh of ripe avocado and a banana.

This mixture should be distributed over your hair by massaging lightly, cover with a towel and let sit for 15 minutes. Then you can rinse with plenty of lukewarm water and wash them as always. Repeat the operation every week.

Tip # 13: to avoid lice

Lice are a plague that mainly affects children but adults can also suffer from it. They are very unpleasant and not only from an aesthetic point of view but also because they can transmit different diseases and cause unbearable itching.

Are you ready to get rid of it? Wash your head twice a week with vinegar. Add this product after rinsing off the shampoo and you will see how shiny and silky your hair will be.

Tip # 14: tips

To finalize I leave you some natural tips to strengthen and beautify your hair:

  • Avoid stress that causes hair loss
  • Do not smoke, nicotine interacts with body proteins affecting the hair
  • Incorporate foods rich in vitamin C and B vitamins such as: guava, dates, peaches and whole grains into your eating habits.

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