How Do You Know If Your Teenager Is Lying To You?

Identifying ongoing teenage lies in time can be a critical factor in preventing behavioral problems. That’s why we’re sharing some tips with you here that will help you know if your teen is lying to you.

Wondering if your teenager is lying to you? Communication between parents and children has always been a subject of research and reflection, and more precisely lies and deception during the transitional stage towards maturity, in other words during adolescence.

We wanted to cover this topic here to help parents find out whether their teens are lying to them or not. Such an attitude can lead to deeper problems, such as behavioral problems, emotional alterations or difficulties in family communication.

When parents find out that their teenager is lying to them, it marks a turning point for the family. Sometimes parents avoid talking to their teenager for fear of lying: they prefer to close their eyes and ignore the problem. During this time, the teenager feels the lack of confidence on the part of his parents and prefers to avoid talking to them.

This situation leads to a gradual estrangement between the parents and the child, which complicates parental control, among other things. If this problem is not resolved, in the long run, the adolescent’s behavior can become destructive and result in difficulties in creating links with others, an aggressive attitude, a loss of control …

The first step then is to be able to realize that your child is continually lying. If you are in this situation, you must seek professional help in order to resolve this problem and regain a parent-child bond.

Is your teenager lying to you? The first signs

how do you know if your teenager is lying to you?

If you are reading this article, it may be because you think your teenager is lying to you.

You have probably detected one of the following warning signs.

  • Your child exaggerates when he tells you his stories and gives too much detail. 
  • He often resorts to pious lies.
  • He does not tell you what is happening to him at school (teachers’ comments or exam results, for example).
  • You learn important information about your child from others.
  • He only shows positive photos of what happens to him on a daily basis (on social media, for example), which don’t really correspond to reality.
  • You don’t really know what he does when he goes out with his friends.
  • He responds very briefly or only tells you part of the story when you ask him something.

Body language

When we speak with our child, we need to pay attention to their body language in order to possibly observe alarming signals. This will help you to detect whether what he is saying is true or not.

If your child is lying to you, they probably won’t be able to look you in the eye. It is then likely that he is looking to the right, an eye movement related to the imagination, and therefore to the ability to lie.

It is also possible that his voice is slightly shaky and his hands are sweating.

Is your teenager lying to you? How does he express himself?

When you ask your child a question, watch how they communicate with you. If he’s lying to you, he won’t have the same ability to tell a story, since he’ll be improvising.

If he is lying, he may repeat the same thing several times and give a lot of details about the situation. The more your child tries to justify himself, the more likely it is that your child is lying. Exaggeration is often linked to lying.

Emotional difficulties

how do you know if your teenager is lying to you?

Every teenager has lied to their parents at least once . This stage of change presents a lot of attractive novelties for the child who feels grown up and who wants to try everything.

However, if the lies are recurring, you need to observe how your child is reacting emotionally. A teenager who lies may experience emotional difficulties. They may suffer from low self-esteem, depression, stress or even feel a strong sense of loneliness.

By lying he tries to appear like a person he is not but would like to be, or he tries to protect his parents so that they don’t worry about him, hoping to solve his problem on his own. .

As a parent, it is your job to catch your child’s lies on time. You will be able to prevent possible negative behaviors that would harm the parent-child relationship, the child’s relationships and family trust.

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