6 Natural Remedies To Eliminate Ticks

It is fundamental to protect our animals from parasites, for their own health and well-being, but also to prevent fleas or ticks from infecting us, and that they cause us health problems.

Ticks are small parasites of the spider family, mites and scorpions, which, in addition to being annoying, can also be carriers of various diseases.

These blood-sucking arthropods are often found in gardens and in the coats of pets as well as farm animals, such as horses and cows.

In these environments, they find the ideal conditions to survive and to spread.

Not all ticks transmit infections, but it is very important to know that when a tick carries disease, the risk of infection increases in proportion to the time the tick stays on the skin. We must therefore act very quickly.

Below, we will present you 6 natural remedies to eliminate ticks permanently .

Signs and symptoms of a tick bite

In most cases, tick bites are unnoticeable. This makes it difficult to determine how long the tick has spent on the skin.

In all cases, a tick bite should be treated with care, as it poses a significant risk of infection or disease transmission.

In adults, bites usually occur on the legs, while in children they are located above the waistband or even in the scalp.

In addition, they are very difficult to detect because they do not cause pain or discomfort. However, once the tick feeds, some of the following symptoms may be experienced:

  • Itching
  • Redness on the skin
  • Burns
  • Intense pain, very localized
  • Rashes
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Sizes
  • Swelling
  • Feeling of weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Joint pain

One of the most dangerous conditions that ticks transmit is known as Lyme disease. 

It’s an inflammatory problem, which can cause rashes, headaches, fever, and chills.

After a while, this disease can even lead to arthritis, neurological disorders and heart problems.

It is mainly for this reason that it is very important to pay attention to this parasite, and eliminate it as soon as possible.

For this, we will offer you various natural remedies that have properties to exterminate and repel these dangerous insects.

Rosemary and cinnamon

This natural repellent is based on two ingredients that are very easy to find on the market: rosemary and cinnamon.


  • 10 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 7 drops of cinnamon essential oil
  • 3 drops of cedarwood essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil

How to proceed ?

First mix all the ingredients in a glass jar, shake it vigorously and then apply a small part of the mixture to the affected area.

Essential oil of rose geranium ( Pelargonium roseum)

This essential oil is an excellent repellent against ticks that can invade the coats of our pets.

How to proceed ?

Put a drop of rose geranium essential oil between your dog’s shoulder blades and at the base of his tail, before going out for a walk.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are considered to be excellent repellents against ticks and other types of pests.


  • Orange peel
  • Lemon zest
  • Water

How to proceed ?

First boil the citrus peels in water, then strain the liquid and apply it directly to the hair of your pets.

However, this remedy is not recommended for cats, as they do not like the smell of citrus fruits.


This ingredient is a very effective repellant, which works when given to pets orally.

How to proceed ?

When you have to treat a dog, do not feed him raw garlic as it may do more harm than good. You can add it to your pet’s kibble to make it easier to ingest it.

Another option is to use powdered garlic instead of a raw garlic clove. To do this, add 1 / 8th of a spoonful of garlic powder per kilo of food.

Baking soda

This natural remedy works perfectly to remove ticks that are already attached to your pet’s body.


  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 110g apple cider vinegar
  • 110 ml of lukewarm water

How to proceed ?

Mix all the ingredients in a container, then pour them into a bottle equipped with an atomizer.

Shake the mixture well, and spray it on your pets’ coats, being careful not to get it in their eyes.


This product is very effective in removing ticks and preventing skin problems associated with these parasites.

How to proceed ?

To start with, take some petroleum jelly in the palm of your hand, then rub it on your pet’s skin, covering the affected area well. This product has the power to knock off ticks.

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