6 Healthy Dinners To Fight Insomnia Naturally

To fight against insomnia you need to choose dinners that facilitate rapid digestion so that your body does not work too hard in order to be able to sleep more easily.

Insomnia is a disorder that can cause other health problems. Here are 6 healthy dinners to fight insomnia.

We must not forget, that above all, it is essential to have a good night’s sleep for our organism to regenerate properly. This way, we can wake up with all the energy and vitality we need to face the day.

In this article, we offer you 6 healthy and nutritious dinners that have relaxing and balancing properties and help to act on the nervous system. These types of meals will help you prevent and fight insomnia in a natural way.

Why do you suffer from insomnia?

Insomnia can be linked to many factors, especially disorders of the nervous system such as stress, nervousness, anxiety, etc.

However, we must also take into account the hours when we cannot sleep or when we wake up during the night, as this can also be linked to an organ :

  • The gallbladder  : from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.
  • The liver: from 1 to 3 a.m.
  • Lungs: 3 to 5 a.m.
  • Intestine  : 5 to 7 a.m.

6 healthy dinners to fight insomnia

We present to you six culinary ideas that are excellent for dinner because they are digested well and quickly. In addition, they produce relaxing effects on the nervous system.

Thanks to these foods, you can easily regulate your nervous system in a natural way.

1. Avocado and seed salad

avocado and seed salad to fight insomnia in a natural way

Avocado is a fruit rich in protein, fat, fiber and essential fatty acids. This superfood is great any time of the day. In addition, in the evening, it has the advantage of providing everything our body needs and is easily digested.

  • To prepare this quick, simple and nutritious meal, just crush or blend an avocado and mix it with different types of seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, flax, sesame or chia), which are also nutrient-dense foods.
  • This dish is excellent to accompany with rice toast, corn or cookies.

2. Applesauce with nuts

Boiled or baked apple gives us very suitable sedative effects to relax us when we are anxious but also when the nerves affect our stomach. It is a very regulating food for our whole organism.

  • If we mix the apple with nuts, we will get an extra amount of protein, antioxidants and fiber.
  • However, we shouldn’t overdo nuts either. A handful of nuts a day is more than enough.

3. Cream of vegetables with wakame

Plant-based creams are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which makes them very satiating.

  • To prepare these vegetable creams, you can choose different types of vegetables, depending on the season, and instead of potatoes or cheese, to make them more digestive, you can add a little wakame (a food seaweed) . This seaweed provides texture and smoothness without altering the taste of creams.
  • In general, cooked vegetables have relaxing properties, unlike raw vegetables, which have the virtue of activating our metabolism.

4. Sweet potato, lettuce and kiwi salad

Sweet potato is a very nutritious tuber that is highly recommended for dinner. It is rich in good carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, fiber, vitamins A, groups B, C, E and K and minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium or zinc.

  • We can prepare a delicious warm salad with sweet potato, accompanying it with lettuce and kiwi.
  • Lettuce has sedative properties and kiwi fruit promotes good intestinal transit.
  • We can prepare a different vinaigrette sauce with mustard and pieces of pickle.

5. Oatmeal and pea soup

oatmeal and pea soup to fight insomnia in a natural way

Soups are very digestive, sweet and filling options for a good dinner. Among the different ingredients that you can use, there are two very suitable to consume before going to sleep:

  • Oats : This cereal has properties that regulate the nervous system, whether you are suffering from a disorder such as stress, anxiety, or depression, or if you are tired and lacking in energy. In addition, oats are highly recommended to promote the digestive system.
  • Peas : It is the most digestive legume and it also regulates blood sugar levels.

6. Buckwheat with mushrooms

Buckwheat, also known as buckwheat, is not a cereal, however, nor does it contain gluten.

Nutritionally, it’s halfway between grains and seeds. Therefore, buckwheat is very nutritious, rich in protein, and moreover, it is very easy to digest.

  • You can cook it the same way as any other grain, like rice.
  • A good idea is also to mix buckwheat with mushrooms, as they are also a natural superfood rich in nutrients.

To fully benefit from the properties of these smoothies and to fight against insomnia, it is important to take them at most one hour before going to bed.

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