6 Reasons To Drink Cucumber Water Every Day

In addition to hydrating us, cucumber water provides us with vitamins and minerals. It also helps us purify toxins, and improves the health of both the liver and the skin.

Cucumber water can be the perfect drink for the whole family. It’s a healthy and natural snack. If you are looking for alternatives to caloric drinks and not healthy at all, go ahead!

We give you five reasons to consume this excellent drink.

Remember that for cucumber water to be effective and give you all the benefits you want, you need to ingest it at least two or three times a week.

1. It is a source of vitamins

Adding cucumber juice to water is very easy and provides us with a large amount of fat soluble vitamins A and vitamin C. 

It is also rich in vitamin E, one of the best antioxidants that can be ingested and which has immediate effects on the body.

Thus, drinking cucumber water makes it possible to maintain the good health of the cells, to preserve them against external attacks such as pollution or the harmful effects of tobacco on the skin.

In addition, cucumber also provides us with a large amount of minerals and nutrients that prevent the formation of blood clots.

2. It reduces blood pressure

Paired with water, cucumber can be the perfect food for lowering blood pressure.

Cucumber will hydrate you and provide you with the recommended amount of potassium, which will help improve blood circulation and healthy heart function.

It will also bring you a feeling of relaxation in the muscles.

As you can see, the benefits of cucumber water are far more than you might imagine.

3. She satiates

Cucumber is a satiating food. It is advisable to consume cucumber water throughout the day to reduce the feeling of hunger, in addition to obtaining excellent hydration.

This will make it much easier for you to wait until mealtime.

4. An ideal treatment for the skin

As we said, cucumber water is great for keeping skin well hydrated.

Regular ingestion helps to have more flexible, smoother and youthful skin. In addition, it is an excellent product to fight against poor circulation, or fluid retention.

Thanks to its high silicon content, cucumber water will purify you of toxins. You will be able to better fight against the problems derived from acne or inflammation.

You will therefore be able to purify your body and your skin will be radiant.

5. It is a great ally for the liver

Cucumber water is ideal for purifying, decongesting and improving liver function.

  • This quality is due to the combination of vitamins A, B and C, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
  • They are responsible for taking care of liver cells and even promoting their regeneration.

You will have a much healthier liver thanks to this miraculous water!

  • It is an excellent natural antidote capable of reducing inflammation and reducing the amount of fat in the blood.
  • Of course, this help must be combined with a suitable diet and exercises. These three factors will be more than enough to keep your liver healthy.

6. It is a great sun protector

Cucumber water is a very good sun protector, because it provides large amounts of vitamin C.

Collagen production increases, and you will find that your skin will look younger and be protected from the sun’s rays at all times.

It is also a great drink capable of improving the health of your bones, nails and keeping your immune system in peak condition.

How to prepare cucumber water?


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 ½ liter of water
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (10 g)


  • Peel the cucumber and cut it into pieces.
  • Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add it to the rest of the ingredients in the blender glass.
  • Mix everything for a few minutes.

You will see that the result is excellent: cucumber water that will balance your pH and lower the acidity levels in your body. 

This preparation is all you need to obtain quality cucumber water, refreshing, light and with multiple benefits.

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