5 Foods Recommended To Prevent Osteoarthritis

Did you know that a diet rich in fiber can help us relieve the inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis? Although it is a chronic disease, it can alleviate its symptoms.

The joints are located at the bone endings of the body and are responsible for protecting the condyles. They play a fundamental role in the movement of the lower and upper extremities.

Heavy use of the joints can cause various problems such as osteoarthritis.

Between each joint is a segment of cartilage, which prevents the bones from rubbing. However, the passage of time causes progressive damage, which leads to pain and inflammation.

This is why the possibility of movement is considerably reduced, as well as the possibility of carrying out different activities (sports or everyday).

Talking about osteoarthritis can seem complex, and even more so about suffering from it. Just imagining the immense pain, and the incapacity that goes with it, frightens anyone.

Fortunately, we can prevent it.

Learn more about osteoarthritis

Information on osteoarthritis.

The pain that is experienced in cases of osteoarthritis is due to the inflammatory process and not the degeneration of the tissue. However, swelling is the main reaction to cell degradation.

Despite the link, some periods of osteoarthritis are not painful (with a few exceptions, where the discomfort arises out of nowhere).

A determining factor in the face of pain concerns detection. Everyone’s body is different, and so is tolerance for certain problems. In other words, the resistance to this problem depends on the sensitivity of the patient.

Even though it is painful at night, it does not prevent you from having a comfortable sleep. The strange thing about osteoarthritis is that the pain can go on for indefinite periods of time and be irregular.

Diet and osteoarthritis

Food is one of the most important habits in humans, because it acts directly on the body.

The brain and heart as well as the growth of hair and nails depend on diet.

Osteoarthritis can also improve or worsen depending on our food choices. That is why the relationship between the two has been the subject of different studies.

However, we cannot forget that it is a chronic disease.

In terms of food, the scientific community affirms that fiber is one of the main components in the prevention and treatment of disease.

This is the reason why it is good to include certain types of food in our diet.

1. Artichokes

Artichokes to prevent osteoarthritis.

The amount of fiber contained in artichokes helps prevent this problem. Consuming half a cup (85 g) per day provides the body with approximately 10.3 grams of fiber.

2. Whole grains

There is a diet myth related to whole grains, but it turns out to be a reality. They are a great source of fiber.

Oatmeal, wheat germ and bran, and corn flakes are the main whole grains. We must include them in the daily diet in order to prevent or treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Although we can eat them at any time of the day, breakfast is still a good time to consume these food products.

3. Lentils

Lenses against osteoarthritis.

It is perhaps one of the most powerful and nutritious foods. Lentils are characterized not only for their delicious flavor, but also for their immense amount of fiber. A cup (200 g) brings us almost 15 grams.

In addition, they also contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron which are excellent nutrients for strengthening joints and cartilage.

To include lentils in our diet, we can eat them cooked, at least twice a week, to satisfy your health and palate.

4. Raspberries

Fruits are also a good source of fiber: especially raspberries. A cup (150 g) brings us about 8 grams.

In addition, they also provide a significant amount of calcium and potassium, nutrients good for preventing osteoarthritis.

5. Peas against osteoarthritis

Peas against osteoarthritis.

Known for their antioxidant properties, peas cannot be missing from the list of ingredients useful in the prevention of osteoporosis.

They provide around 16 grams of fiber per cup (110 g).

Among their components we find iron, which is a very good complement to fiber.

Finally, it should be remembered that osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease and that to date, we do not have any method to treat it.

However, there are many ways we can prevent and treat it, and diet is one of the most effective.

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