We Are All Born With Wings But Sometimes Life Snatches Them Away

Although we have lost the innocence and illusion of childhood, with each new project we undertake, our wings can re-deploy and help us be free again!

We are all born with wings. Our childish gaze and our heart full of illusions trace a thousand dreams in our mind. And also a thousand aspirations that we want to achieve in adulthood.

Whether or not to succeed will depend on many things. From our attitude, our strength, our motivation, a touch of luck and an easier social and personal context.

We know it is not easy. Being born with wings and keeping them in good condition for life is not easy.

Indeed, each disappointment, each stone on the path and each betrayal takes away our feathers until we lose our breath. The very one that previously gave strength to our dreams.

It is good to remember that those who must never lose their wings are the children.

Childhood is a wonderful time when a child has to believe that anything is possible if they want to. We invite you to think about this.

Born with wings to achieve your goals

A child’s brain has an exceptional gift that we must know how to stimulate throughout his childhood and adolescence.

It is the power of learning, neuroplasticity, a period when we must maximize its capacities to give it roots and wings to fly.

It is often said that those who act as true wing cutters are those close to the family. But this is also the case with the education system.

Let’s see all of this in detail.

Facilitating families and hindering families

a little girl watches a plant grow

You may have heard of democratic education versus dictatorial education before.

These are two different styles where children internalize a series of values ​​that can however affect their adult development.

  • Facilitator families are those who respect the dreams and emotional needs of the child.
  • They offer them roots, a security based on recognition and respect where doors are opened for them so that they can achieve what they want. Always with an adult as a guide.
  • The family that hinders and paralyzes, for its part, is the one that has planned in advance a life plan for its children.
    Children have to force their way into adult patterns.

This family ignores the thoughts of the child, his personality, or his need to enjoy childhood.

His dreams are seen as “nonsense” and we direct them towards concrete goals.

Having received this type of education in childhood and youth often limits development and children see themselves as people who are neither capable nor deserving of their goals or successes.

Find your wings once they are lost

The wings don’t get lost all at once. After a complicated childhood or adolescence, there are always new opportunities for those who continue to have self-confidence and desire to be happy.

  • Wings grow back with every new dream, with every step we take with confidence and poise, believing we deserve something much better.
  • It is possible to heal those wounded and empty feathered wings with which we reach our daily flights. First of all, we have to know if the people around us give us breath or take it away from us.
  • Several aspects hinder our self-esteem enormously. For example, a complicated emotional relationship, a family that continues to control us or friends who seek their own interests more than the common good.
  • Establish priorities. Every day you have to be convinced that it is worth striving for what can make us happy. 
  • If the people by your side take away feather after feather in your personal growth, assess whether this relationship is worth living. Maybe you have to make a decision.

illustration of a child with wings


It is necessary to remember something important. Sometimes, to get our wings back, we have no choice but to dare to stand on our own two feet. It is something that we have to do alone.

  • To fly with one’s own wings means to change. Change of scenery, people and even attitude.
  • Once we have taken the step and the change has happened, then we feel a lot more free, with no stones in our shoes.
  • This inner well-being is so pleasant and comforting. Thus, without realizing it, you will have recovered them again.

Your wings are ready to fly to reach your dreams!

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