The Health Benefits Of Having Plants At Home

Having a reasonable amount of plants at home can greatly benefit our health. Indeed, plants not only serve to purify the environment, but can also improve our well-being and help us psychologically. Discover all their unsuspected benefits.

Many people often have doubts about the benefits of having plants in the home. Especially when it comes to having plants in a room, as it is usually thought to be extremely harmful. However, this misconception is absolutely not true. Having plants at home and in bedrooms is very beneficial for the environment and our health.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to fill your house with indoor plants. It is necessary that there is a reasonable amount of plants, and in the room there is only one plant. This way it will not be dangerous for our health. Find out today what are the most important benefits of having plants in a home.

Why do many people think plants are bad in the house and in bedrooms? Because at night, plants breathe and expel carbon dioxide. However, a reasonable amount of houseplants provide many benefits to a home environment.

Discover today in this article all the benefits of having plants at home.

Plants purify and sanitize the environment

Home plants purify the environment

Having plants at home helps us purify and revitalize the environment. They allow better air quality in the house. In fact, during the day, plants absorb the polluting gases present in the air we breathe. In addition, plants also help to increase the humidity of the ambient air.

The atmosphere of our interiors in winter is too dry and this causes a feeling of discomfort, the origin of which is often unknown. Prettier and as useful as radiator saturators, houseplants increase room humidity. Plants sweat, in fact, up to releasing 97% of their irrigation water into the air. The most efficient species are those which maintain an active metabolism during the winter because the lack of light often encourages them to rest.

The air in houses or other premises is most often confined and polluted by solvents contained in wall and floor coverings or in paints. Indoor plants are able to transform harmful substances in the environment into clean particles within 1 to 2 days. In other words, they purify the air in our homes and help us breathe better.

Did you know that plants can cool the environment in summer and make it warmer in winter? Well, now you know another feature that makes them so special and useful in a home. Now find out what other benefits plants can bring to your home.

Plants help us work and study

Having plants in the home can be a great help for work and study. The main reason is that plants are an excellent ally in reducing both external and internal noise. This effect is especially noticeable in small rooms and those without exterior openings.

In addition, houseplants reduce noise and promote concentration. They will be very useful, for example, if you work from home. Thus, you will be much less disturbed by all the sounds that may come from outside and affect your work. It will be exactly the same if you study for long hours at home.

Recent research has shown that houseplants, in a variety of ways, are beneficial for people. Plants play a vital role in creating a pleasant and healthy environment in which we can move, work or relax. In addition, living in an environment with plants has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tightness and improve productivity.

In addition, if they do not replace double glazing for insulation, they pleasantly dampen vibrations from outside (cars in the street, noise in the stairwell, etc.), hence a delicious impression of silence and privacy. Rather than changing the decoration of your interior, opt for plants. They improve sound circulation while avoiding reverberation of waves that are too fast.

Among the great benefits that houseplants bring to a home, it is important to know that they will also help us to feel much calmer and relaxed. This will allow us to feel better, work more efficiently and significantly reduce stress levels. For all of these reasons, it is without a doubt a very good idea to have plants in the home.

Plants reduce dust in the house

Home plants reduce dust

Have you ever wondered how quickly dust collects in your home? Depending on where you live or certain circumstances that you may not yet be familiar with, your home may facilitate the accumulation of dust with some regularity. This therefore forces you to clean your house much more frequently than average.

Having to constantly clean your home to constantly remove dust can be frustrating and put you in a bad mood. If this is your case, plants can help you keep your home cleaner. But how can plants help us have cleaner homes?

As we have seen before in this article, plants absorb polluting gases from the air, while also purifying the environment. In addition, they reduce pollution and dust by up to 20 %.

In addition, the dust is naturally entrained towards the soil of the plant pots. The roots and microorganisms in the substrate destroy viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic chemicals. Plants even partially feed on it. It is now proven that plants are a real biological response to air pollution. If you are allergic to dust, having plants in your home will be very important for your health.

Therefore, growing plants at home helps keep you healthy. Houseplants not only purify the environment, but can also have a lot of benefits for your body if you choose aromatic plants. In addition, they attract prosperity and positive energies, create a sense of serenity and repel insects.

Plants improve well-being and self-esteem

Did you know that having plants in the home can improve our well-being as well as self-esteem? This is due to the visual effect that plants produce. A house with plants is a much nicer, more comfortable and attractive place to look. Houseplants improve mood and self-esteem.

So if we have low self-esteem, taking care of plants, seeing how they grow and how beautiful they are, how they recover from being sick, etc., it will all be good for us. In fact, by taking care of them, we will take care of ourselves in some way. It can also be a great therapy to regain good self-esteem.

Plants are ideal for decorating our home, creating a clean, healthy, welcoming environment with a touch of nature. However, plants also need care. We have to provide them with the water they need, transplant them when necessary, look after their health, treat them if they are attacked by certain insects, etc. In other words, we need to be aware of the health and condition of our plants.

Do you have green plants at home? If you don’t have one because they require a lot of care and attention, try choosing the ones that are much easier to maintain. This way, you won’t have any excuses for not having plants in the house.

You now know the multiple benefits of having plants at home. The question now remains to know which ones to choose. The options are plentiful. By asking yourself what will be the location they will have inside or outside the house, you will select the most appropriate.

If you don’t have any houseplants yet but plan to buy some soon to decorate your home, seek advice on how to take care of them. Because, if you don’t do it right, your plants might not survive and you might feel unable to take care of other plants.

In addition to helping us decorate the house, green plants help to decontaminate the environment . Some species in particular have many benefits. The good news is that they are very easy to find in a nursery, someone can offer you a sprig, or you can even plant them directly from seeds.

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