Is Your Child A Spoiled Child?

There are some practices that we as parents should avoid so as not to spoil our children. Learn about the behaviors of a spoiled child and how to correct such attitudes for their future development.

Raising a child without setting limits can make him a spoiled child. A child who doesn’t follow the rules. Who does what he wants and does not assume his own responsibilities. All of this can have serious consequences for one’s own adult life.

For this reason, in this article we are going to tell you about the behaviors of a spoiled child, which will help you know if you need to take action with your children so that this does not happen.

Behaviors of a spoiled child

1. The vicious circle of whims

child and ice cream illustration

Temper tantrums or tantrums are a resource that any spoiled child can turn to, knowing that in most cases he or she has everything to gain. Mainly because they play with this shame that they make adults feel, and also the guilt.

Let’s take an example :

A boy is at the supermarket with his father and wants him to buy him a chocolate. The father says “no”. The child insists and sees that he will not get what he wants, he throws himself to the ground and starts to scream and kick.

The father scolds him, notices the stares of other customers in the supermarket and begins to feel guilty. His face turns red with shame and as he can’t take it anymore, he says to the child: “Yes, take your chocolate, but don’t fuss anymore.

What happened in this case? The boy managed to manipulate his father into making him guilty and ashamed. At the same time, the father lost his authority because he gave in to the behavior of the son.

But it can also trigger another kind of attitude. Because the parent knows that when the child gets what he or she wants, he or she behaves well.

In certain circumstances, where he wants the child to behave well or to do his job well (for example, to pass an exam), he may consider buying it ”.

2. No limits at home

lack of limits and spoiled child

Just because there are limits at home doesn’t mean parents are tough, hurt their kids emotionally, or don’t like them. Quite the contrary. Limits are absolutely necessary.

But for them to be effective, they must be carried through to the end. There is no point in setting a limit and allowing it to be exceeded under certain circumstances.

Parents need to be firm in the decisions they make. If they flex at certain times, everything falls apart. That’s why, if we put a limit, like “today we don’t buy chocolate,” then today we don’t buy chocolate, period.

No matter what happens, no matter how much crying, tantrums, or even embarrassment we may feel.

A spoiled child needs to know that adults are serious talk. He must learn to accept a “no” for an answer, and that he will have no choice but to accept.

Also, when there are limits from the start, disobeying or even being hostile towards parents does not usually happen. That is why we need to impose limits as quickly as possible.

3. A spoiled child is not born like this, he becomes

A spoiled child is not born that way. It is the behavior of the parents, the permissiveness of their egoism and the challenges they throw at their own parents, which make the child behave more and more badly.

He will end up insulting his parents, controlling them and wielding a power that he shouldn’t have.

Most importantly, he will end up not knowing how to value what he has. He still wants to satisfy his needs and wants, but doesn’t know how to truly appreciate them.

A spoiled child can become a very unpleasant adult, harmful to others and, above all, to himself. Children need boundaries, parents need to act as parents and not as friends, and never allow disrespect or manipulation.

Anything we do to prevent children from becoming spoiled children will help them become better people later and maintain healthier interpersonal relationships. Always keep this in mind.

Images: Nicoletta Ceccoli

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