8 Incredible Health Benefits Of Pomegranate

Here we invite you to discover eight incredible health benefits of pomegranate. Do not miss this article!

Pomegranate is a delicious fruit that has many properties. It is a source of antioxidants, iron, vitamins and fiber. In addition, it does not make you fat! What are you waiting for to include this fruit in your diet?

Pomegranate is a fruit with an exquisite flavor that contains very few calories. The reason is as follows:  it contains a lot of water (up to 80% of its total weight). Since pomegranate is so light, it is recommended for healthy weight loss.

There are many reasons that make this fruit an essential food. In the rest of this article, we present the 8 incredible benefits of pomegranate. Take notes !

1. Pomegranate is a source of antioxidants

Pomegranate seeds (arils) are rich in antioxidant components. Their action helps prevent and slow down the harmful effects on the body caused by free radicals in the environment.

Consuming it regularly is a simple and tasty way to avoid premature aging and the chronic diseases associated with cell degradation. It is even said that pomegranate is healthier than red wine and green tea .

2. It regulates blood pressure

The pomegranate is an excellent ally of the cardiovascular system. Its antioxidants are involved in the regulation of high blood pressure:  it stimulates blood flow so that it circulates without hindrance in the whole body.

This property benefits other parts of the body. It helps prevent the formation of thrombi, varicose veins and other disorders related to the blood circulation.

3. It cleans the arteries

Clogged arteries

Its effects on the blood also help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol on the arterial walls.

Its ingestion is strongly recommended for patients with high cholesterol and triglycerides,  as it facilitates their expulsion, thus avoiding the development of chronic pathologies such as atherosclerosis.

4. It fights respiratory diseases

Its vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties make this fruit an excellent remedy for diseases that affect the respiratory system.

Pomegranate is particularly recommended as an adjunct to treatment against asthma, bronchitis or even common illnesses such as the flu or the common cold.

5. It purifies the kidneys

Pomegranate arils are ideal for purifying the kidneys and balancing fluids in the body. Its antioxidants and its purifying action help to expel excess salts and toxic substances through the urine.

Its significant potassium intake helps maintain a hydrosaline balance throughout the body and prevent disorders associated with dehydration.

6. It improves skin health

Pomegranate improves skin health

Pomegranate’s iron supply stimulates cell oxygenation and promotes tissue regeneration. 

Its juice prolongs the life of fibroblasts, essential cells responsible for keeping the skin firm and elastic.

For their part, the beta-carotenes present in the pomegranate inhibit the oxidative damage caused by free radicals and prevent the first signs of aging such as spots or shallow wrinkles.

7. It has an anticancer action

Given its richness in antioxidant substances, it’s no wonder that pomegranate helps prevent and treat certain types of cancer.

Pomegranate has been proven to be effective in the fight against breast cancer,  due to its antiproliferative effect which comes from its content of ellagic acid. This substance is said to have the ability to inhibit aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgens into estrogen.

During this process, aromatase participates in breast carcinogenesis. This is why the anti-cancer properties of this fruit are so useful.

On the other hand, the American Urological Association  suggests that pomegranate is also very effective against prostate cancer due to its plant components.

8. It fights anemia

Its richness in iron supports the production of red blood cells and helps improve the health of patients suffering from anemia.

Consuming at least one serving of pomegranate per day helps control common symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and difficulty concentrating.

All its benefits are sufficient reasons to start consuming this delicious exotic fruit more frequently without further delay.

Although it is recommended to consume it as is, you can also benefit from its properties in the form of juice, extract, infusion, or others. What are you waiting for?

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