8 Foods That Can Help You Prevent Cerebral Infarction

One cup of green tea a day helps us fight cognitive aging. This drink is also rich in antioxidants which help us cleanse the liver.

Cerebral infarction is the third leading cause of death in the world, just behind heart disease and cancer.

While we cannot 100% prevent the occurrence of a cardiovascular event, many studies tell us that following a healthy lifestyle, including a proper diet, will help us prevent stroke by 30%. about.

The game is therefore worth the candle. You will decrease the risk of suffering from other diseases by changing your lifestyle. At the same time, you significantly improve your quality of life.

How about including the 8 foods we’re going to tell you about in your diet?

Foods You Should Include In Your Diet To Improve Your Brain Health

You might think that the people who are most likely to have a cerebral infarction are those between the ages of 55 and 70. However, this is not proven.

Unfortunately, stroke or stroke can occur randomly, in the young population as well as in older people.

There is a genetic and hereditary component that should not be ignored, but if you follow a proper diet and try to get rid of stress like anxiety, the risk of suffering from a cerebral infarction will be greatly reduced.

To reduce this risk and enjoy an iron health, it is therefore worthwhile to rely on the consumption of the foods that we are going to present to you.

Keep in mind that you will need to combine these foods every day in your diet. 

1. Carrotscerebral infarction

According to a 2008 study by Harvard University in the United States, consuming 5 carrots per week reduces the risk of stroke by 50%.

While we should be careful with this information, we should not put aside the fact that carrots are extremely rich in antioxidants, which prevent blood clots from forming in the arteries and promote blood circulation.

It is therefore important to reap the benefits of carrots as soon as you can.

2. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are rich in potassium and folate, which are fundamental elements to avoid suffering from cholesterol and too much fat accumulation in the arteries, as well as being able to eliminate toxins through the urine.

3. The lawyer

Avocado is rich in excellent fatty acids for our brain, such as omega 3, which has the ability to prevent cell oxidation and premature aging.

Remember to eat half an avocado a day!

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a natural cocktail of antioxidants such as lycopene, a substance capable of preventing stroke thanks to its ability to reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

The homocysteine ​​content of tomatoes makes it one of the most suitable foods for reducing the risk of cerebral infarction.

5. Sardines in olive oil

They are ideal if you eat once or twice a week, because they are natural sources of healthy fats, calcium and vitamin D.

In addition, sardines are natural protectors of our brain.

However, you need to know something about them: if you open a box of them, and don’t finish them, never keep them in their original packaging.

Put them in a glass jar, or any other container that is not made of metal.

6. Melons and watermelons

These two fruits are rich in water, minerals and antioxidants, while they are low in sodium: a perfect combination to lower your cholesterol and avoid suffering from arteriosclerosis.

Don’t hesitate to eat a good bowl of watermelon or melon every day.

7. Green tea

Never miss out on your daily cup of green tea. It is a natural source of antioxidants, polyphenols and components essential to lower cholesterol and fight against cognitive aging.

To get more of the benefits of green tea, drink it 20 minutes after each of your main meals.

8. Oats

Consumed for breakfast, oats will help us reduce blood sugar levels and keep bad LDL cholesterol levels as low as possible.

Also, don’t forget that this cereal is great for reducing stress. It provides us with incredible nutrients for our brain health, such as zinc or iron.

Some recommendations to reduce the risk of having a cerebral infarctioncerebral infarction

While it is certain that the above foods can help you reduce the likelihood of suffering from a cerebral infarction by 30% to 50%, it is important to keep the following aspects in mind:

  • Your diet should be varied and balanced. It’s not about eating the same thing every day, but rather balancing the foods in your daily menus.
    For example, as Lyn M. Steffen, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota in the United States, explains, consuming 3 pieces of fruit a day, added to that of 3 vegetables, helps to avoid suffering from a cerebral infarction, much more than the consumption of 5 fruits alone. We must therefore combine the two.
  • Do not think that you have to deprive yourself of all types of fat to avoid this type of disease.
    You need to consume healthy fats, such as those found in olive oil or blue fish, which are great protectors of your brain health.
  • Finally, don’t forget to try to control your stress on a daily basis.
    For this, try to adopt a lifestyle in which you are not too sedentary.
    Intellectual curiosity and positive emotions can also be two great drivers in your day-to-day life.

 Take care of your health every day, and you will take care of your brain! 

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