8 Common Symptoms Of Cancer That Most People Ignore

Cancer is a serious disease that can be cured, however, as long as the diagnosis is made in time.

Although generally not indicative of danger, some common problems and symptoms require a visit to a specialist, as they could be early indicators of cancer.

This is why prevention and the fact of listening to our body is fundamental to know if it speaks to us. Only in this way will we avoid the diagnosis of cancer at too advanced a stage.

For example, there is a series of symptoms that we often ignore or link to minor issues. Take note of them and don’t forget them. Remember that the most important thing in these cases is prevention.

If you know how to listen to them, they will become a way to avoid a much bigger problem.

Common symptoms of cancer

Continuous cough or hoarseness

If you have a cough or are constantly hoarse you may be associating it with a badly cured cold but you need to be extra careful because there may be something very serious behind it.

  • If you have a cough or have been hoarse for a long time, your best bet is to see a doctor.
  • And although it is normal for it to be nothing, it is one of the symptoms of throat, larynx and lung cancer.
  • Also, whether you are a smoker or not, if you notice this symptom and it persists, consult a specialist.

Chronic fatigue

common symptoms of cancer: chronic fatigueFatigue and chronic fatigue can be a symptom of iron deficiency and can go beyond it and turn out to be a more serious problem.

If you are suffering from constant and latent extreme fatigue, it can be a symptom of cancer, so go ahead and see a specialist immediately.

Because extreme fatigue is one of the symptoms of leukemia, cancer of the blood.

Bleeding outside of your period

If you notice any bleeding that does not match your period, see your specialist immediately.

This is one of the other symptoms that indicate that you might be suffering from cancer, in this case of the cervix. If it comes from the rectum, it could be colon cancer.

Changes and spots on the skin

We all have moles. But if you see new ones appearing or the ones you have change in shape, size or color, see your dermatologist.

He will be able to observe you and rule out possible skin cancer.

Changes in bladder habits

And if this symptom persists, it could be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer. Any change in your urinary habits could indicate that something is wrong.

This bleeding usually appears from tumors associated with the urinary tract and it is a symptom that leaves little room for doubt.

Now that you know it, if you are suffering from this problem, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Appearance of a lump

common symptoms of cancer: lump in the breasts

Sometimes small lumps appear on the body and can be mistaken for small pimples or the like. However, you have to be very careful to know what it really is.

There are many types of cancer that can be felt through the skin:

  • Boobs
  • Testicles
  • Lymph nodes (glands)
  • Those that appear in soft tissues of the body.

A lump or hardening of the skin can also be early or late signs of cancer. It could be a benign cyst or a carcinogenic change in the skin tissue.

Your best bet would be to see your doctor to have a sample analyzed.

Weight loss for no apparent reason

If you are suffering from a weight loss of 7 kg or more for no apparent reason, this may be the first sign of cancer. This is usually characteristic of pancreatic, stomach, esophageal or lung cancers.

Pelvic pain

Pelvic pain is very bothersome and is usually accompanied by inflammation. Although this is a symptom that we can find in many diseases, it can also indicate cancer, so watch out.

And it is possible that you feel this pain because of an ovarian cyst or some other type of cancer related to the female reproductive system. Consult your doctor promptly if in doubt.

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