7 Morning Rituals To Eliminate Cellulite

It is possible to fight against cellulite by adopting morning gestures.

In addition to applying a cream to eliminate cellulite, it is essential to change our eating habits and include a series of exercises in our daily routine.

Are you fighting a merciless fight against cellulite? You surely know that this is a very difficult struggle which requires a great deal of effort and perseverance.

Although it will be difficult to remove all of the orange peel, you can achieve this by following a series of appropriate exercises.

In the rest of this article, we will explain to you which morning rituals are used to fight cellulite.

Be aware that you will not be able to get rid of it in a few days, as this process takes time.

If you show persistence, in a month or a month and a half you will see encouraging results.

1. Drink lemon water when you get up.

lemon water to eliminate cellulite

This is a simple ritual that will bring you multiple benefits. All you need to do is squeeze a lemon, mix its juice with a cup of warm or hot water, and drink it every morning.

Be sure to use organic lemons and purified water to avoid ingesting toxic products that are harmful to your body.

With this recipe, you will not only be able to eliminate cellulite, but also fight toxins from the foods you eat throughout the day.

Lemon water has some great properties that you shouldn’t overlook, and that will help you get more restful sleep.

2. Practice a series of cellulite exercises

For many women, it is often difficult to establish a series of exercises to eliminate cellulite. However, once you get used to it, you won’t conceive of a morning without these exercises!

The most effective cellulite exercises are those that help you build muscle. In this way, you burn the accumulated fat and restore shape to your skin in the areas where cellulite has appeared.

It is important that you are consistent from the start. The results will be visible after a month.

The best exercises are:

  • Stretching
  • Abdominals
  • Oblique abdominals
  • Up and down the stairs

It is important that you be patient with these exercises. The results will not be obvious from the first month, but they will be more and more visible after 6 weeks of continuous exercise.

The key is not to lose hope, and especially not to give up these exercises once you have obtained the desired results.

3. Brush your skin before you shower

brushes on sand

Brushing your skin dry is something that should become a habit. All you will need is a natural bristle brush (since synthetic brushes can damage your skin).

With this brush you have to brush every part of your body from top to bottom. This ritual will not only help you get rid of cellulite, but also improve your blood circulation and speed up your metabolism.

If you want to get effects faster, combine this skin brushing with a detox program once a month.  The results will amaze you!

4. Apply an anti-cellulite cream to the area in question

After brushing your skin, shower as usual. This will allow you to remove any dead cells that have been removed by brushing.

After your shower, apply a good dose of special cream to eliminate cellulite.

Many women believe that these creams do not work because they do not see quick results.

The important thing is to remember that if you apply it without exercising or brushing your skin, it will take longer for results to appear.

The best creams for removing cellulite are those that are high in antioxidants.

You can find plenty of creams in stores, most of which are caffeine-based.

When applying your cellulite cream, you should make small, gentle circular movements that will help remove fat deposits.

5. Eat an anti-cellulite breakfast

All of the morning cellulite removal rituals we just recommended will be limited if you are not following a healthy diet.

Your best bet is to start the day by consuming foods that combat the unwanted effects of orange peel.

If you want to cook, opt for coconut oil instead. You should also make sure to include more vegetables than meats in your diet. You should also avoid all categories of fats. A great option is to drink a green juice for breakfast or to eat a salad.

6. Take a dietary supplement

When trying to get rid of cellulite, you need to cut down on certain foods.

As a result, you may be missing out on certain nutrients. To avoid any health problem, we recommend that you take a dietary supplement.

You will see that there is a huge selection of options, prices, and brands. If you engage in moderate physical activity and follow a balanced diet, a normal supplement is more than sufficient.

If you get a lot of physical activity and are on a special diet, you may want to opt for a more comprehensive supplement.

Remember, it’s always best to get vitamins and minerals naturally through your diet.

7. Drink a glass of natural water

The very last morning ritual to eliminate cellulite is to drink a glass of natural water. Although you have already had a glass of lemon water, this second glass of water will help you recover fluids after exercise.

In the fight against cellulite, it is essential that your skin is well hydrated. 

Even if creams leave us feeling soft on the skin, it only lasts a few hours if your body is not properly hydrated.

You should not neglect the recommendation that you should drink two liters of water per day. You need to be as consistent as you can.

We advise you to take a bottle of water with you wherever you go, also to avoid the temptation to drink soft drinks for example.

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