6 Thoughts To Move From Fear To Motivation Quickly

To move from fear to motivation we have to think that just as after the storm comes calm, failure is always followed by great triumph.

When we want to make a project, make a dream come true or achieve a goal, we do it in a positive way and with a lot of strength. We do it with motivation.

However, negative thoughts and doubts often cause your desires to not come true.

The most determining factor is never other than fear. In this article, we want to give you some ideas for going from fear to motivation in minutes.

We know it is not easy, but having the ability to make decisions without fear is still important.

1. “Fear is not created by what surrounds us, but is in our mind, by what we think is going to happen”

have motivation

How many times have you been paralyzed from fear?

You know well, we are talking about those situations where you make stories in your head by imagining the worst case scenario.

You haven’t made a decision yet, but you imagine that everything is going wrong and the consequences. Since you don’t like it, you just don’t do anything.

The reality is that sometimes our minds play terrible tricks on us, and in order to move from fear to motivation it is necessary to push negative thoughts away from our memory.

It is essential to clean up the thoughts to make good decisions and not to be influenced by these thoughts induced by fear.

It is important not to let past experiences overwhelm us to the point of not taking action.

2. “I have to take risks. I must not be afraid of failure ”

You have to understand that in life, sometimes we win and sometimes we lose, it allows us to live more lightly.

People who feel trapped in fear will not make a mistake, but it also reduces the possibilities to improve and move forward.

Mistakes are a part of our life and are of great help. If chess weren’t there, maybe you would never have learned what you need to get to where you are.

It is not easy to understand this, but we must know that, by failing, deep down, we also gain something: a learning that will help us in the future.

For this reason, do not be afraid of failures and dare to move from fear to motivation.

3. “Fear converts people into strangers who, in other circumstances, might be friends”

Fear will always block us and prevent us from trying new things. When we feel fear we close ourselves off to new possibilities of knowing people.

Are you guys who take the old advice not to talk to strangers? In this case, stop doing it.

Sometimes we don’t have a special interest in knowing people who are different from us.

It’s not about trusting just anyone, it’s about freeing yourself from the fear of knowing people and being around people who could bring good things to our life.

Remember that successful people meet as many people as they can.

4. “The one who is not brave enough to take risks will not achieve anything in life”

play sports

Taking risks is all about attitude. This attitude leads to having a dose of courage in life.

When you sense fear and allow yourself to be overcome by it, you weaken your courageous character and give strength to cowardice.

The result is that the fear gets stronger and stronger. The best way to do this is to cleanse our mind of thoughts that prevent us from making good decisions.

We know it is extremely easy to let yourself be carried away by fear, but if you do, you are closing yourself off from the possibilities of moving forward in the most important aspects of your life.

5. “Eliminating fear is a matter of attitude and not of aptitude”

You can be ready, have the best degrees, a lot of study and preparation. However, this does not spare you from being afraid in the face of a situation.

It’s okay to be afraid and to have moments of uncertainty.

What is not normal is to let this fear dominate us and stop enjoying the best that our life offers us.

If you think that the more prepared you are, the less afraid you will be, then this is not true. Anything that involves novelty is going to make you feel the same way.

These people whom you believe are not afraid and are experts who have already gone through these processes. You can’t get far if you can’t move from fear to motivation.

6. “Don’t let doubts keep you from deciding”

If you want to do something in your life, like changing jobs, starting a new relationship, going on vacation, or making a big investment, you will be faced with doubts and fears.

In these cases it is necessary to analyze the “pros” and “cons” of the situation. From this analysis, we will be able to make the correct decision and thus see if this dream or goal is achievable.

  • To move from fear to motivation, you first need to know what scares you.
  • From there, you can draw a little sketch of what you can get and what you can lose in each situation.

Remember, overcoming fear takes a lot of practice and taking action.

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  • Garrido Gutierrez I, Rojo Calvo C. Motivacion, Cognicion y Rendimiento. Rev Psicol Gen y Apl. 1996.
  • Motivacion C DE. Motivacion. ARTICULO. 2000.
  • Núñez, JC (2009, September). Motivación, apprendizaje y rendimiento académico. In Trabajo presentado en el X Congresso Internacional Galego-Português de Psicopedagogia. Braga, Portugal (pp. 41-67).
  • Moreno, PJ (2002). Superar la ansiedad y el miedo . Desclée de Brouwer.

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