5 Tips For Dealing With Mental Fatigue

To relieve mental fatigue, you need to realize that you need time for yourself. Walking allows us to be less preoccupied and to see things from a new perspective, and to adopt a much more relaxed point of view.

Who has never suffered from mental fatigue, at least once in their life? It is a pressure that we feel in the temples, usually due to the preoccupation with personal problems to be solved and to anxiety which increases our heart rate.

This daily curse makes every moment of our day difficult, and it is not easy to get rid of it.

The first thing to do is to realize it and understand that you cannot continue to live with this mental fatigue which hangs like a big black cloud above your head.

In this article, we are going to introduce you to five simple tips, which you will find very useful in dealing with mental fatigue. Take note !

1. Do very simple acupressure exercises

We have already told you about the effectiveness of acupressure in our previous articles. This technique allows, for example, to relieve headaches.

We will explain how to proceed to relieve mental fatigue, especially in those times of the day when you feel completely overwhelmed by events.

  •  The first thing you need to do is put strong pressure on this part of the hand with your thumb and forefinger.
    When stimulated, the nerve endings located there help relax the whole body.
  • There is another “magic” point that allows you to obtain almost immediate relaxation.  It is located above the nose, just between the two eyes. With your thumb and index finger, massage this spot for 30 seconds. You will be relieved very quickly.

2. Stop time, and breathe

breathe and relieve mental fatigue

No sooner have you arrived at work than you are already thinking about what to do the next day. The concerns, mistakes, and conversations of the day remain imprinted in your mind.

You go home, and your second job begins: taking care of the children, shopping, dinner … But, in these conditions, how to relieve mental fatigue?

  • Realize one thing: you need time for yourself. Devote at least two hours of your time to your own personal space. This is not a whim, it is a need for mental hygiene. Stop time, and get away from all this daily madness that overwhelms you.
  • Look for a quiet place to relax, a place where you feel good.
  • Stop thinking about anything and take a deep breath. Then breathe out little by little. Repeat this process five times, thinking of nothing.
  • After this little relaxation exercise, you can do something that makes you happy. Read a book, take a bath, or go for a walk.

3. Take refuge in your “personal palace of thoughts”

meditate to relieve mental fatigue

Imagine yourself at work when you are under a tremendous amount of pressure. What can you do, if you are not at home, to relieve your mental fatigue effectively?

  • You only need 5 minutes. Go to a quiet place, or stay at your desk if you can.
  • Look out the window or direct your gaze to something calm. But don’t lay your eyes on your computer, in any case.
  • Breathe in deeply, and breathe out quietly.
  • In the next step, imagine something nice, like  a place you like to travel for example.
    Think of that beach you go to often, for example. Imagine the wet wind blowing your face, the warm sand under your feet.
    Travel to your “personal palace”, where all is calm and relaxation. Relax by disconnecting from all these pressures.

4. The infusion of roses, lime blossom and lemon balm

The infusion of roses, linden and lemon balm is the most suitable for treating states of moderate stress and anxiety. It is delicious, light and very relaxing. In short, it is an ideal infusion to soften mental fatigue.

You will only need 10 grams of rose leaves, 10 grams of lemon balm, and 5 grams of linden. Add a glass of water (250 ml), and bring the mixture to a boil. Once the mixture has settled, add a little honey.

Drink the infusion calmly, in a quiet place. Try to be alone and calm and enjoy these moments without thinking about anything. Give yourself 20 minutes of rest.

5. The benefits of walking

Few things are as relaxing and liberating as walking.
Put on good shoes, take your dog with you if you want to, and go for a walk for even half an hour.

Try to do this in quick steps, which will allow you to have better blood circulation and get your heart working.

In this way, you will oxygenate your body well, you will relax your mind and you will put many things into perspective. Your blood pressure will drop, you will reduce your concerns, and you will see things in a different way, with a much more serene perspective.

Let the wind blow through your hair, and refresh your spirit. The mental fatigue will lose intensity, and you can relax. It might also be a time to think about making changes in your life and to think a little more about yourself.

You deserve to be happy and let go of all those burdens that weigh on your shoulders. So, are you going to start today? 

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