5 Natural Solutions For Joint Stiffness Caused By Arthritis

Although it may seem contradictory to us, low intensity exercise can cure joint pain. However, it is important to adapt them according to the possibilities of each one.

Joint stiffness is caused by a type of arthritis, which we can all develop at some point in our lives.

As a rule, this condition occurs at a fairly advanced age. However, people suffer from it at a younger age, due to genetic predispositions, surgeries, lesions, or other factors that facilitate its development.

It is estimated that there are around 100 types of arthritis and related diseases, including those that involve the bones, muscles, and tissues that support the joints.

The main symptoms are severe pain and stiffness, which can sometimes be so intense that people who suffer from it cannot make certain movements.

However, these are not the only ones. These symptoms can be accompanied by inflammation, hypersensitivity, redness and other unpleasant reactions, which decrease the quality of life.

Although in the majority of cases they can be eradicated by taking pharmacological treatments, there are natural remedies that act as supplements to reduce the stiffness and discomfort of these conditions.

In this article, we are going to share with you a series of home remedies for joint stiffness caused by arthritis.

1. Celery

Celery is considered to be an excellent food for humans, and in particular for the treatment of diseases associated with inflammation and therefore joint stiffness.

Its diuretic properties help regulate fluids in the body, with the aim of reducing inflammation in the tissues and controlling the symptoms of arthritis.

Celery also has the ability to cleanse digestion, lower blood pressure, and effectively fight against the proliferation of carcinogenic cells.

How to consume celery?

Nothing’s easier ! You can enjoy the virtues of celery in different forms. Here are some ideas:

  • Natural juices
  • Green smoothies
  • Salads and soups
  • Rice with vegetables
  • Sandwiches

2. The carrot

This vegetable, so consumed around the world, is an excellent complement to celery.

Thanks to its very powerful anti-inflammatory action, the carrot protects the arteries and reduces the discomfort caused by joint pain.

In addition, it is a source of vitamin A which protects visual health, and which helps to maintain the skin in good condition, thanks to its antioxidant action.

How to eat carrot?

Thanks to its delicious flavor and versatility, carrots can be incorporated into hundreds of different recipes.

However, to get the most of all its benefits, it is best to consume it raw.

For this, you can add it in the following dishes:

  • Natural juices
  • Salads
  • Soups (grated like cheese)

3. Ginger

ginger to fight against joint stiffness

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities of ginger can be used internally and externally, with the aim of relieving the joints.

Consuming it daily helps reduce pain and reduce inflammation that prevents joint movement.

In addition, by applying it topically, it is possible to provide relief to the area for several hours.

How to consume ginger?

This root has a slightly pungent flavor. It can therefore be easily integrated into recipes for pastries, soups, juices or other types of dishes.

However, the best way to ingest it is to consume it as an infusion.

To use it topically, soak a cloth in a warm or hot infusion of ginger, then apply it to the affected area.

4. Laurel compresses

Applying compresses, or a bay leaf poultice, can help reduce inflammation topically, to relieve the joint and help it get moving.

The properties of laurel reduce stiffness and relieve tension, especially when you are going through a particularly acute crisis.

How to make laurel compresses?

The compresses are prepared from the infusion of the plant, using an absorbent cloth.

What do you need ?

  • 1 liter of water
  • 20 g bay leaves
  • 1 cotton cloth


  • Put the liter of water to boil, then when it comes to the boil, stir in the bay leaves. Heat the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the infusion from the heat, let sit for 10 minutes, then when you are ready, dip a cloth in it and apply it to the area that hurts, for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this process several times a day.

5. Turmeric

This fantastic spice is the # 1 best natural anti-inflammatory, in addition to being an antioxidant and pain reliever. Perfect for fighting joint stiffness.

Turmeric can help patients with arthritis and other conditions that affect muscles and joints.

How to consume turmeric?

To enjoy the benefits of turmeric on a daily basis, you can incorporate it into many recipes.

Since the goal is to complete the treatment for stiffness and pain, there is no time limit for consuming it.

However, you should not ingest too much of it per day.

Add it to the following dishes:

  • Soups
  • Salads
  • Smoothies
  • Your teas or infusions
  • Flavored rice

As a final recommendation, we must remind you that it is important to move your joints well, performing low impact exercises.

Although you may think that physical activity increases pain, it is definitely one of the best therapies for controlling this type of disease. Do not forget it ! Joint stiffness can be controlled.

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