5 Foods You Should Never Eat Again

You don’t have to eat foods that you don’t like or that make you feel bad. Do not consume them for their vitamin contribution, you will also find them in other dishes that you like more.

We often learn about foods  to eat and not to eat: protein after exercise, type of rice, whole grains, fish or seafood, for example. In this article, you will find out which are the 5 dishes that you should never eat again.

The answer to these questions is almost always the same: sometimes yes, sometimes no. Why ? Why is each person different and what makes one good will be bad for another?

The least recommended dishes

While it is obvious that there are foods that can be more dangerous than others and that there are recommended dishes because they are healthy, in reality we cannot label the food as “good” or “bad”. .

The five foods and dishes you should never eat

Anything you don’t like

Not all dishes can please us. So why force yourself? Food is essential, it is obvious, but it is at the same time a moment of culinary pleasure. If you don’t like something, don’t force yourself to eat it.

Many people “hate” certain foods but continue to eat them because they think it is good for their health.

However, if a food does not please you, it is because it is not good for you. Sure it can have nutritional benefits, but just like many other foods you enjoy eating.

“Healthy food” isn’t just steamed broccoli or chicken breast. Try to be creative and make your taste buds benefit while you take care of your health.

All the dishes that make your body sick

Anything that makes your body sick.

It could be your stomach, your head, or your joints. You may find something enchanting, but after eating it you will feel bloated, lethargic, and often embarrassed.

It happens with any type of food, according to people, although white flours, dairy products, and meats tend to be at the top of the list. So avoid these foods in 99% of cases, and in 1% of the remaining cases, indulge yourself but without exaggerating the consumption!

Considering this occasional or “special” food will make you appreciate it all the more. Remember that if you consume too much of it, you will feel bad afterwards.

Anything that makes you feel guilty

You know exactly what we are talking about. You spend the weekends eating cakes, brownies, ice cream, fries, fried chicken, pancakes, pancakes, candy etc. ?

And you wake up on Monday feeling guilty and decide to spend the whole week eating apples and tomato and carrot salads?

In this case, you punish yourself heavily over the following days by following a very strict diet that you cannot follow.

In the same way that after a drunken night, you promise yourself not to do it again (even if you don’t really believe it because you will surely do it again the following weekend).

Don’t feel guilty

The guilt of eating is horrible and of no use. The shame of eating in a less healthy way for a period of time makes you feel bad about your body and you force yourself to eat things that you don’t like just because they are “healthy”.

This is not a recommended technique for various reasons. First, because you are not going to lose the fat you eat, and second, because the stomach will not understand what is going on.

You may make it more sensitive if you eat healthy Monday through Friday and don’t skimp on fats, condiments, and sugar-based foods on Saturdays and Sundays.

Ice cream and bad food.

If you party a lot or have food delivered to your home on the weekends, don’t overeat.

It’s best to eat a balanced diet and not eat what is going to make you feel guilty, because after all, food should be fun before and after eating it.

If after finishing a meal you feel bad and guilty, is it really worth it?

All the dishes you can’t stop eating

If there’s a food you can’t stop eating, if you eat it until the end of the packet, at any time.

If you need someone to tell you to stop and you want to eat it all the time especially when you have it at home, this is a food you should ban from your diet at all costs.

When we think of those foods that we can’t live without and that are addicting, we often imagine fries, chocolate, burgers and pizza.

All of these foods can be very addicting, but this does not apply to junk food as we can also be “addicted” to healthy foods.

It could be a strawberry jam or jelly, your grandmother’s homemade cakes or a mixed salad, although it is less common.

If you can’t stop eating Brussels sprouts, don’t worry, go for it!

All dishes that are not food

All dishes that are not food.

Corn syrup with a lot of fructose, modified corn starch, artificial colors and flavors, cellulose (wood pulp often found in grated cheese) and propylene glycol are not food .

However,  the big food industries add it in their ingredients (and a lot more, but we won’t go into that here today). 

These ingredients are used for many things, such as saving the company money, helping another business. Create addiction among consumers, use the cheapest ingredients that last longer, but which are harmful to health.

The best thing you can do is make your own meals with real ingredients and organic (or local) products and use very good quality animal protein.

Free-range beef, free of antibiotics and hormones, non-farmed fish, free-range chicken, etc.

Read each individual label and if there’s an ingredient you don’t know, it’s most likely not food.

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