5 Delicious Recipes For A Healthy Snack

Do you have the habit of arriving at dinner time completely hungry? Do you avoid tasting for fear of putting on weight? If you answered yes to these questions, don’t miss the 5 snack recipes that we are going to share with you in this article.

Eating a healthy snack can help you maintain optimal levels of physical and mental energy to perform well in daily activities. While the other meals of the day are necessary, an afternoon snack is also very beneficial.

However, it is important to know how to prepare it with healthy ingredients. Indeed, not all snacks are necessarily good. Processed foods, flours and sugars should be avoided. So what to prepare? Here are 5 recipes.

The importance of a healthy snack

Many people neglect the snack because they think that if they eat outside of meal times, they may put on weight. Yet, contrary to popular belief, enjoying that little snack of the day can be beneficial. And this, both in terms of body weight and for physical and mental health.

Not tasting means going for a long time without eating. This may make you often feel drained of your energy and find it hard to concentrate. In addition, people who don’t taste tend to be hungrier at dinner time and therefore eat more than they should.

To sum it all up, it’s important to eat a healthy snack because :

  • It allows you to control your cravings for food.
  • It helps to maintain good physical and mental performance.
  • Snack helps regulate metabolic activity.
  • It also promotes the proper functioning of the brain.
  • Finally, it contributes to an adequate supply of nutrients.

Recipes for a healthy snack

The best way to enjoy a healthy snack is to choose natural foods. They must not contain chemicals and must not undergo industrial processes. Although the food industry promotes many processed snack products, it is best to spend a little time cooking natural recipes. Take note !

1. The turkey and avocado wrap

The benefits of avocado.

With this delicious turkey and avocado wrap, you will only consume around 185 calories. In addition, you will ingest a good portion of fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Here’s how to prepare this snack at home.


  • 1 corn tortilla.
  • 1 slice of turkey.
  • 1/4 ripe avocado.

The preparation

  • First, roll out the corn tortilla and mash the avocado.
  • Then, divide the slice of turkey over the tortilla and cover it with the mashed avocado.
  • Roll it all up like a pancake and enjoy.

2. Hard-boiled eggs stuffed with hummus

Chickpea hummus is a low-calorie preparation that can be used as a substitute for sauces and creams in many recipes. In this case, we suggest using it to garnish the eggs and replace their yolks. Try it out!


  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons of chickpea hummus (60 g)

The preparation

  • First, boil the eggs in water to make them hard-boiled eggs.
  • Then remove the shell and remove the yolks.
  • Finally, fill each egg with chickpea hummus.

3. Zucchini and salmon rolls

Who says we can’t enjoy salmon for afternoon tea? If you want to get an extra dose of omega 3 and protein, don’t hesitate to try this simple recipe. You will love !


  • 3 slices of zucchini.
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (15 ml).
  • 2 slices of smoked salmon.

The preparation

  • First, cut the zucchini into strips and brown them in a little olive oil.
  • Then pour a little more oil on it and cover with the slices of salmon.
  • Finally, you can roll everything using a toothpick for example.

4. The tuna sandwich

A tuna sandwich.

The classic tuna sandwich is one of the healthiest snacks you can’t miss. In addition to being delicious, its combination of ingredients provides you with energy, protein, healthy fats and other important nutrients that support your well-being.


  • Tuna in oil (50 g).
  • 2 lettuce leaves.
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread.

The preparation

  • To start, drain the tuna from its oil.
  • Then, on one of the slices of bread, place the lettuce and tuna.
  • Finally, cover with another slice of bread and enjoy.

5. Fruit yogurt, a quick and healthy snack

Running out of time to prepare a healthy snack? So choose this option. Natural yogurt is full of nutrients which are good for the body. In addition, it combines perfectly with your favorite fruits. In total, with this recipe, you will only absorb about 120 calories.


  • 1/2 cup of plain yogurt (125 ml).
  • Blueberries (50 g).

The preparation

  • First, pour the plain yogurt into a bowl and wash the blueberries.
  • Then chop the fruit and add it to the bowl with the yogurt.
  • Finally, if you wish, add some crushed walnuts.

In summary…

Snack turns out to be as important as any meal of the day. Prepared with healthy ingredients, it boosts energy levels and helps control hunger. Finally, it provides the necessary amount of daily nutrients.

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