4 Techniques To Fight Against Anxiety

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to situations it considers risky, and it therefore depends on us to learn how to manage them to do not let them dominate us.

Anxiety is one of the main ailments of the 21st century and one of the main reasons for consulting in therapists’ offices. There is no magic cure for anxiety permanently. But there are some techniques that can help you control it little by little.

The first step in making anxiety a thing of the past is getting to know and understand it better. In this article, we tell you how!

Without going by too technical a definition, anxiety is a state of worry that can appear at any time in life. When someone is anxious, they always expect the worst: they are continually in a state of alarm or alert.

Nothing he does can calm tachycardia, sweating, or sleeplessness. In addition, it is very difficult for him to explain what is happening to him even if he has the possibility of detecting this over-activation and of knowing at what times or in what situation this anxiety appears.

According to psychologists, there are several types of anxiety. The most recurrent cases are as follows.

  • Anxiety-trait. It appears from childhood or adolescence and is part of the personality. In general, an individual with trait anxiety reacts without thinking, has difficulty relaxing, and is easily over-aroused. He doesn’t know how to live without being anxious.
  • Anxiety-state. It develops as a result of a specific fact or event in a person who has never been so nervous that it becomes a problem.

The good news is that there are some very interesting techniques recommended by psychologists. It is worth a try. Don’t miss it!

1. Understand the mechanism of anxiety to fight this condition

State of anxiety

To fight against anxiety, you have to know it. It is important to know, above all, that this is an unconscious response in order to survive what the mind considers dangerous.

The physical reactions are also initiated from the brain to help us emerge triumphant from the impending situation. So, if you think logically and rationally, you can fight anxiety little by little.

In this way, not only do we face the problem but we take away the importance of what is happening around us. If we are afraid of being anxious, we will increase the anxiety! Detecting symptoms early on is also a big help.

2. Don’t put pressure on yourself

One of the most important characteristics of anxiety is that it constantly puts pressure on us.

An anxious person cannot stand or stand still for more than a few seconds. She is also likely to want to multitask at the same time. Preparing dinner, sending messages to friends, checking out their children’s homework, and doing laundry, for example.

In the office, the amount of windows open on the computer, the hundreds of activities scheduled in the calendar (at the same time) and the acceptance of various tasks at the same time are other signs of anxiety.

Decreasing this constant agitation will allow you to tell your brain that you need to take a break.

Methods to fight anxiety:

  • Walk more slowly
  • Set priorities
  • Take five minutes to rest
  • Take a nap
  • Do not overload yourself with obligations

3. Breathe

Breathing exercise

When we are advised to “breathe”, we do not always understand very well, because we think that it is an unconscious or mechanical activity. But we are referring to a type of breathing that offers us more benefits than introducing oxygen into our body.

Breathing slowly and deeply allows us to relax and take control of any situation.

If we are anxious, the best thing to do is close our eyes and breathe as calmly as possible, thinking only of how our lungs are filling with air. Thus, you will balance your mind and you will recover energy to continue with your tasks.

The meditation can also help. It is an ancient practice that brings peace and serenity, excellent for people who live in large cities.

Meditation is more than sitting in a lotus position and closing your eyes. It is a path to achieve spiritual growth and become a better person.

In addition, there are several relaxation exercises indicated for people with anxiety. Any technique you choose or learn will do you good.

4. Change the perspective of your problems to fight anxiety

When you are going through an anxious episode, you may not yet have the capacity to analyze what is happening to you. One of the best strategies for dealing with anxiety is to change the angle of the problem. This means that instead of getting carried away by feelings or reactions, one should pause and analyze the event from a more rational perspective.

You may, for example, think that this is a problem outside you. This will give you a more objective opinion. And you will find that being anxious is not necessary!

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