4 Puzzles To Stimulate Your Creative Thinking

Usually we tend to think in a strictly logical way. Indeed, when faced with a problem, we immediately seek the most obvious answer, without valuing other more original dimensions that could be useful to us.

Creative or lateral thinking was first introduced in the 90s by psychologist Edward de Mono. Today, this way of thinking and reasoning is more and more valued, and is also beginning to be exploited at educational levels.

Every day there are times when stress and anxiety can block us and cause us to lose that little spark of originality.

To illustrate this way of thinking with an example, we therefore offer 4 original puzzles which will amuse you, and which will make you see things from a different point of view.

Step one: develop your creative and lateral thinking

Before you face these riddles, we are going to give you a series of strategies so that you have a basis for solving them.

These are the pillars that define creative or lateral thinking, and worth putting into practice.

Life is full of big and small problems.

  • Sometimes they are so absurd that we don’t know how to approach them because we are little chaos of emotions, desires, etc.
  • First of all, we must stop giving so much importance to logic. In our daily life, “2 + 2 does not always make 4”, especially when we speak of “human problems”.
  • Then start to see things differently without giving so much importance to logic.

Develop your imagination, take it to its full potential, and see beyond your eyes.

  • Imagine possibilities and situations, invent data, value, compare and start imagining again. Don’t settle for just one option.
  • Leave your prejudices aside,
  • Let out the child in you and challenge yourself. Dare to be original without being afraid of what others may think.
  • Forget about labels and stereotypes.
  • The information we have will not be decisive,  they are small tracks to which we must add our own assumptions, imaginative ideas and intuitions.
  • Let yourself be carried away by your love affairs too, be open to all types of assumptions and do not be afraid of making mistakes.
  • It is best to avoid taking the most obvious and logical path. Be original, because the more imagination you bring to the problem, the more satisfactory the result will be!

Riddle 1: The cap and the carrot

4 puzzles to stimulate your creative thinking: puzzle 1

Imagine that after a long road trip, you arrive at a relative’s house. You get out of the car, put on a jacket to cover yourself up and when you turn to the right you see something weird in the garden of this house.

What are a carrot and a cap doing here? You cannot understand. How do you feel about thinking about it carefully for 2 minutes before looking at the solution?

Riddle 2: The man at the bar

Now let’s go to a new situation. You are in a bar. Some man comes in and walks up to the bar to ask the waiter for a glass of water.

The latter looks at him for a few seconds, then bends down to pick up something hidden inside the bar: it’s a weapon.

He takes it and points it directly at the face of the man who, with the broken voice, had asked him for water.

Seeing the waiter aim the gun, the man takes a deep breath, says thank you and leaves. What happened? 

Riddle 3: The dead man in the field

Riddle 4: The Lonely Man

4 puzzles to stimulate your creative thinking: puzzle 3

Now we’re going to talk about another man. He lives alone, without any company, in an environment as lonely as him, where he hardly ever receives visitors.

But one day he makes a mistake. Without realizing it, all the lights in his house go out and when he leaves, he finds horrified that 90 people have died. He then begins to cry because he is in fact the only culprit of such a disaster. So what happened?


Riddle 1

  • The carrot and the cap are on a melted snowman.

Riddle 2

  • The man who asked for water had the hiccups and the waiter wanted to scare him.

Riddle 3

  • The man fell from a plane and beside him is an unopened parachute.

Riddle 4

  • The man worked in a lighthouse. Turning off the lights caused a boat to crash against the rocks.

Let us value other more original dimensions that could be useful to us by developing creative thinking.

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