4 Night Creams That Will Make Your Face Look Perfect

During the night, our skin is much more receptive to any type of treatment. For this reason, choosing the right night cream will help you maintain a perfect face. Discover today in this article the 4 types of night creams that you can adopt for the daily care of your face and delay the effects of aging.

Night is coming and you feel your facial skin is dry and even a little wrinkled. You often decide to apply the cream that you have used during the day. Stop for a second! Specific night creams are those that have the appropriate properties for the rest period. Find out more in this article to find out what are the 4 most recommended types of night creams.

Choose the night cream that best suits your skin type. They will help maintain the skin of your face during your daily care by making it look perfect.

Protect your face

The skin is the main physical barrier between the body and the external environment. This is very important for regulating body temperature but also for protection against pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

It is therefore not surprising that it is essential to have healthy skin to maintain the physiological balance of our body. Getting too much sun, smoking, eating too few vegetables and fruits, and being exposed to too many chemicals are just a few of the factors that can affect your skin.

Fortunately, the cosmetics industry has come up with lotions, masks, and creams that can help you regain radiant skin and face. Creams for the care of the face, in particular, are very popular due to their high water content and their dual protective and moisturizing function. These creams fall mainly into two large groups: day creams and night creams.

Facial care should not only end with the use of products that help reduce or treat skin damage, but also rely on a proper lifestyle. This should include optimal hydration, adequate physical activity, and a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients the body needs.

To maintain beautiful and healthy skin, it is necessary to provide the necessary care, with a balanced diet. Including different types of foods, always healthy, is ideal for our bodies to function perfectly.

Care of the dermis during the night: Night creams

There are three main factors that ensure the firmness, elasticity and hydration of the skin. These are collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans. Day creams provide a protective layer against UV rays and dust, in addition to retaining moisture.

However, night creams work during sleep by promoting cleansing of the face, cell regeneration and the production of these three essential elements for healthy skin. This is why night creams are very important in preventing premature aging.

Night creams have a denser texture and a higher concentration of active ingredients. Therefore, they should not be used during the day. Depending on their ingredients, each cream will have a different function. To help you choose the one that’s right for you, we show you the 4 specific types of night cream that will make your skin look perfect.

Before you start using a night cream for the daily care of your face, it is important to determine what type of skin you have at the moment. It can be dry, mixed or oily and evolve over time. If you have any doubts, you can turn to a specialist who can guide you to give you advice on the best treatment for your skin.

When selecting a night cream, be sure to read its composition first and choose the one that will best suit your needs and skin type. Do not forget to apply the night cream on always clean skin with circular massages which will promote its absorption during the period of sleep. Good luck !

Now discover the 4 specific night creams and choose the one that suits you the most.

1. Detox night cream

night detox cream

If your skin is oily or combination, you won’t need the same care as other skin types. You will also not be able to use the same products as if your skin is dry, atopic or sensitive. This spot is not that complicated, you just have to research and define your skin type in order to offer it the right treatments.

This type of cream detoxifies the skin by promoting the reduction of toxins in the dermis and the elimination of dead cells and secretions. This deep cleansing will purify your skin by restoring all its luminosity. We preferably recommend night detox creams that do not contain oils as they could cause allergies.

On the other hand, you should also be aware that some of these night creams called detox are indicated for people of a certain age. Before using a detox-type night cream, first make sure that it meets your needs and your skin type.

2. Regenerating night cream

Over the years, the skin begins to wither and lose its youthfulness. The face becomes less supple, seems more fragile and dry. In addition, spots and wrinkles begin to appear. Even though this process is natural and normal, there is still a lot that we can do to minimize it.

Regenerative night creams are rich in epidermal growth factors that promote cellular regeneration of the skin. Your face will be more lively, hydrated and elastic if you use these regenerating creams on a regular basis.

For this, we recommend that you opt for creams containing natural ingredients such as extracts of rosewater, jojoba and seaweed.

3. Anti-aging night cream

anti-aging night cream

This type of anti-aging night cream is for people who already have the effects of time on their face. People between the ages of 40 and 50 begin to need stronger creams to combat this natural degenerative process.

Generally, anti-aging creams contain the performance of anti-wrinkle creams. They also supply vitamins, minerals and water to the skin. On the other hand, these creams stimulate the capillaries and reaffirm the expression lines of the face.

It is important to specify that the use of anti-aging creams must be continued over time on a constant basis. By using them regularly your patience will pay off. You will find firmer and smoother skin and face.

You might also like to read this article: Discover the recipe for a homemade anti-aging cream

4. Moisturizer for the night

Nighttime moisturizers have two basic functions: to protect against dryness and to hydrate the skin deeply. The moisture provided by these creams will provide firmness, elasticity and tone to the skin.

These specific moisturizers for the night also generally have emollient and humectant components such as sodium lactate, glycerin and hyaluronic acid.

Although they may become more necessary as you age, these nighttime moisturizers are nonetheless suitable for all age groups and are especially important for combination skin.

Some final tips for taking care of your face

Now you can choose the night cream that best suits your needs and your skin type. And also remember that in order to keep your skin healthy and hydrated, you should also follow these tips:

  • Drink plenty of water to promote blood circulation and keep you hydrated
  • Respect the hours of sleep because this is the time when the cell regeneration processes are most active
  • Always maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs

Expression lines are fine lines that appear in various places on the face. They are often caused by repetitive movements of the facial muscles. For the best results when it comes to reducing expression lines, we will use night creams. These thanks to their powerful assets will do their job while you sleep.

These lines appear when collagen and elastin levels decrease. Indeed, these are the substances responsible for maintaining the firmness of the skin during our youth. These lines and other marks on the face are one of the first signs of skin aging.

However, they can also occur prematurely due to lack of care and prolonged exposure to the sun. If they are harmless and can also be concealed by makeup and cosmetics. However, many women prefer to treat them preventively in order to cover up the signs of aging.

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