4 Home Remedies To Prevent Age Spots

As much if we want to prevent them as if they have already appeared, our diet and skin care are fundamental to improving and avoiding skin spots.

With the passage of time, the dermis changes color and a few small brown circles appear especially on the face and hands.

There are several home remedies that will prevent age spots and we give them to you in this article.

Age-related spots: a sign of old age

The changes that take place in the body as we age are undeniable. Among them we can mention the “solar lentigo” also known under the name of “age spots”.

It is one of the most common signs of old age, but it appears long before. At 40, they are already starting to appear on:

  • The back of the hands
  • The face
  • Arms
  • Forehead
  • The upper part of the chest

While they do not have serious health consequences, many people wish to avoid them or eliminate them for cosmetic reasons.

The main cause of age-related spots is exposure to the sun.

Even though humans need to be in contact with ultraviolet rays to make vitamin C, what is certain is that in excess they can harm the dermis.

Spending many hours in the open air, especially in summer, damages the surface layers of the skin and accelerates the degenerative process.

One of the other triggers for skin spots are photosensitizing substances (they are present, for example, in some perfumes) which cause an allergic reaction when coming into contact with sunlight.

There are also people more prone to lentigo because of a genetic predisposition.

How to prevent age-related spots?

Remedies to avoid stains.

Many women (and some men) are concerned about spots on their hands or face when they have already appeared.

However, it is important to prevent this problem as early as possible. And from the age of 30 or 35, we recommend changing certain habits to reduce the appearance of these unsightly brown marks :

1. Do not expose yourself too much to the sun

It is very important to protect yourself from UV rays to avoid damage to the skin.

When the sun is very intense (for example, at midday, in summer) it generates light burns on the skin which will turn into spots.

2. Use sunscreens

On the sunniest and hottest days it is recommended to use a cream with a protection factor of at least 30.

Protectors for children can also be of great help to us if our skin is too white or sensitive.

3. Use suitable clothing

In addition to not going out between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. in summer, it is recommended that you wear clothes that cover the whitest areas of the skin (the back, for example).

4. Eat fruits and vegetables

Fruits to prevent stains.

Food is fundamental to staying healthy inside and out.

  • We recommend that you consume plenty of natural fruit juices, salads, soups, gazpacho, and whatever recipes you can think of that include raw, seasonal vegetables.

Home remedy to avoid skin spots

If the first marks have appeared on the skin from exposure to the sun or the passage of time, do not be discouraged.

There are several natural recipes that can reduce them:

1. Chickpea mask to prevent stains

It’s easy to prepare and the ingredients can be found anywhere. We recommend using canned chickpeas so you don’t have to cook them for hours.


  • 1/2 cup cooked chickpeas (150 g)
  • 1/4 cup of water (62 mL)


  • Add the chickpeas to a container, previously washed.
  • Introduce the water as you crush them with a mortar.
  • When you have a uniform paste, apply it to the spots (the area should be clean and dry).
  • Leave on for 20 minutes until completely dry.
  • Do not rinse: let the dry paste “fall”.
  • Repeat this treatment every night.

2. Lemon juice to prevent stains

The high level of acidity penetrates the layers of the skin and removes stains. This remedy must be applied in the evening to avoid the opposite effect : the lemon stains on contact with the sun.

It is perfect when the first small spots appear.

  • You just have to cut a lemon in half and rub it on the skin after washing.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water after a few minutes of exposure.
  • If you don’t have a lemon you can try red onions, which provide the same results.

3. Dandelion

Dandelion to prevent stains.

This herb is very effective in removing age-related spots. Do not hesitate to have some at home.

The treatment to prevent stains is very simple:

  • Cut open a dandelion stem lengthwise to extract the liquid inside.
  • Rub it on the marks up to three times a day. Do not rinse.
  • You can do the same with the gel inside the aloe vera stem (another of the plants that you can’t miss in your home).

4. Apple vinegar to prevent stains

You surely have this ingredient in your kitchen. It has effects similar to those of lemon, for its level of acidity.

  • If you mix it with your usual hand cream (2 parts cream and 1 part vinegar) you will get an amazing home remedy for removing age spots.

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