3 Natural Products For A Clean Home

To restore your clothes to all their whiteness, add half a cup of lemon juice to the rinse cycle of your machine.

How much do you usually spend on household products, chemicals that are not always very effective. Sometimes it makes more sense to use old grandmother’s recipes based on natural products that will take care of our hands and our home. Today, we offer you three.

Natural and ecological products for a clean house

We all like to be surrounded by products that smell good, respect our hands, and disinfect. However, the majority of these products are chemical, and therefore harmful to the environment. Some are sometimes even toxic, and damage our hands.

So why shouldn’t we look for natural products which, in addition to being effective, would harm neither our skin nor the environment?

Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar to clean the house

  • Used with a damp cloth,  apple cider vinegar will remove all traces of fat and restore shine to your tiles. You just have to rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • It will clean your microwave. Place a glass of apple cider vinegar and turn on the microwave for 4 minutes. The vinegar vapors will soften the food residue that you just need to wipe up.
  • Apple cider vinegar is also great for making all the metal utensils in your kitchen shine.
  • How about getting rid of lime in the shower?  Dip the shower head in apple cider vinegar and leave on for 30 minutes. Brush, rinse with lukewarm water and wipe dry, it will only be brighter.
  • Apple cider vinegar removes makeup stains from clothes.  Use a cloth soaked in water and apple cider vinegar then rub gently on the stain.


baking soda for the home

To clean the pipes 

As you know, the majority of the products we use to clean our pipes are toxic. An effective and easy alternative is baking soda: simply pour baking soda down your pipes and then a glass of vinegar. Leave on for 15 minutes then wash off with hot water.

To soften clothes 

You do not believe in it ? However, today’s softeners all have a protective role and create a film on the fibers of the fabric and thus counterbalance the action of detergent and lime.

With baking soda, we do the exact same thing, preventing lime from sticking to the fabric, leaving our clothes perfectly supple.

To eliminate odors 

Baking soda is very effective in eliminating odors, especially for shoes, or the blankets where our pets sleep.

If you want to clean a carpet, all you have to do is pour baking soda over the fibers and leave it on overnight. Vacuum the next day and admire your carpet: it’s spotless. Baking soda is truly the most versatile and effective natural product for our home.

The power of lemon for a clean home

The power of lemon

  • Lemon is ideal for the cleanliness of our home. It brings a fresh smell, has degreasing, whitening properties, and more. In addition, lemon juice is a very good antibacterial and antiseptic. Moreover, many commercial products contain it.
  • It is perfect for bleaching clothes. Also, when you do the laundry, place a cup of lemon juice in the drum, and see for yourself the flawless result. 
  • When you do the dishes (by hand or in the machine)  add a few drops of lemon juice to remove all traces of fat.
  • Place half a lemon in your fridge to get rid of bad smells.
  • Lemon is also ideal for removing stains in the kitchen (on wood, tea towels, the worktop, etc.). Mixed with a little water, a few drops of lemon are enough to obtain excellent results.

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