3 Juices Against Bad Breath

Remember to clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth, because it is possible that this last one accumulates food remains which could be the cause of bad breath.

Besides being very annoying for those who suffer from it , this problem is also for those who have to put up with someone else’s bad breath!

There is nothing more unpleasant than being in the presence of a friend, or even your spouse, and realizing that he has bad breath. It’s even more awkward in a really important business meeting!

Bad breath is caused mainly by poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, dentures, and certain diseases. 

This article will focus on bad breath produced by minor cases ,  such as poor oral hygiene or spicy eating.

If your bad breath persists, it is very important to find the cause. This annoyance can also be a sign that something is wrong inside your body. We are obviously talking about cases where you maintain good oral hygiene and take care of your teeth. 

Discover here three juices to say goodbye to your bad breath. Take notes !

1. Fight bad breath with apple-orange-spinach juice


  • 1/2 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 1 bunch of spinach

How to prepare it?

  • First, you need to wash, peel and then cut the apple into several pieces. You also need to extract the juice from the orange and chop the spinach.
  • Mix all the ingredients to create a very uniform liquid.
  • Prepare this juice three times a week.

2. Beet and cucumber juice

Beet juice


  • 1/2 beet
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 glass of water

How to prepare it?

  • Wash, peel and cut the vegetables.
  • Then put them in your blender and blend for a few minutes.
  • Filter the juice.
  • Drink it once a week.

3. Carrot, spinach, cucumber juice


  • 250 grams of carrot
  • 125 grams of spinach
  • 125 grams of cucumber

How to prepare it?

  • Mix <all the ingredients.
  • Drink a glass of this juice after meals.

Bonus: other recommendations

Bad breath

To avoid halitosis  (bad breath), you must maintain good oral hygiene. Know that brushing only your teeth is really not enough, you must also take care of your tongue.

  • Mint is a great ally for freshening our breath.  We recommend that you chew fresh mint leaves or prepare a mint tea.
  • Parsley can also be very helpful for bad breath. Chew on a few fresh leaves and you will quickly see the difference!
  • We can also brush our teeth or rinse our mouth with sodium bicarbonate. This product is known to kill bacteria. The bacteria are responsible for the unpleasant smell! You can make a mouthwash by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
  • Chewing sugarless gum can also be beneficial. The amount of saliva will increase in your mouth, which will help you to clean this cavity as well as your teeth. You will thus eliminate the possible remains of food which would have accumulated!

If your bad breath persists after following these tips, you will need to see a doctor .  He will then be able to identify the cause of your problem and treat it correctly.

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