3 Cinnamon Remedies For Prediabetes

Cinnamon can be an interesting option for patients with prediabetes. How to introduce this spice in our food?

Cinnamon is a spice that we generally use in different desserts, such as rice pudding. However, its most widespread use is in the form of an infusion. Today, let’s find out how to use cinnamon in patients with prediabetes.

What is prediabetes? When the doctor announces this diagnosis, it means that the blood sugar level is higher than normal. This then leads to a fairly significant risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes if the process is not resolved.

The best way to stop this diagnosis from progressing like this is to take a series of  steps that reduce blood sugar. For this, we have 3 cinnamon remedies for patients with prediabetes.

Cinnamon remedies for patients with prediabetes

Cinnamon milk drink.

As perfectly indicated in the article  Plantas medicinales en el tratamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2: una review,  cinnamon allows  the body to synthesize glycogen more efficiently.

Its consumption, through the remedies that we will discuss in this article, will allow the  sugar to return to its normal level in  order to reduce as much as possible the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes.

1. Cinnamon as a replacement for sugar

As we mentioned above,  cinnamon can be used to accompany milk. Many people add cocoa and cinnamon. But, if we wish, the result is just as delicious with just this spice.

Even if the flavor is unusual and strange at first because it does not offer the sweetness to which we are used with sugar or sweeteners,  little by little we get used to it.

We recommend starting to include cinnamon in a milk drink with tea or cocoa and then leaving only the cinnamon ingredient. You will be accustomed to its taste.

2. Cinnamon tea

Different studies are still underway to  provide more information on the benefits of cinnamon  in patients with diabetes. This is the case of Estudio del efecto antidiabético de plantas medicinales colombianas in an in vitro model .

However, a very easy way to introduce cinnamon into our diet is through tea. For this,  you just need two cinnamon sticks and a cup of water.

  • Heat the water, and when it reaches its boiling point, add the cinnamon.
  • Then simmer for 2 minutes then turn off the heat.
  • Wait 5 minutes for the mixture to settle.
  • Finally, filter and taste the infusion.

Cinnamon infusion.

3. Cinnamon as an accompaniment to certain foods

There are certain foods that go well with cinnamon. For example,  for oats it is one of the best supplements. Likewise, cinnamon is essential for rice pudding or peanut butter.

Some recipes, like chicken fesenjan, can also be made with cinnamon. Without a doubt,  there are a multitude of options for this spice that we are all familiar with. If you have prediabetes, including it in your diet can be very beneficial and positive.

Some recommendations for the use of cinnamon in patients with prediabetes

Despite the advice and remedies based on cinnamon in the event of prediabetes,  at no time should the doctor’s instructions be ignored. Indeed, the prescribed drug, as well as its dosage, should not be changed in any way.

Cinnamon is a healthy supplement that can be of great help. But this is only an adjuvant element. It should never replace doctor’s advice.

And do you consume cinnamon in your daily life? Do you like its flavor? People who consume cinnamon regularly can share their habits to give others ideas.

Also, if you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, or if you are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, ask your doctor for advice on consuming cinnamon.

All of this will give you security, in addition to helping you improve your diet. Which is essential for getting your blood sugar levels back to normal.

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