14 Tips To Overcome Stress, Anxiety And Fear

Did you know that playing sports is the best way to relax? By generating endorphins, it helps us calm down.

In life, everything is not black or white. There is an intermediate gray scale that allows us to make mistakes and start over. It is always possible to overcome stress.

Stress, anxiety and fear are the great adversaries in today’s society. We have an immediate connection with everything that is happening around us. To try and calm our brain, there are certain rules that we can all follow.

In this way, we will progress in our daily life and we will face the stress and the problems that torment us with more serenity.

1. How can we overcome stress?

Instead of having a permanent attitude of fighting against ourselves, or else of flight, it is best to have deep active breathing.

To calm yourself down and achieve a state of serenity, you can try some relaxation techniques.

2. Exposing yourself to fear

Exposure therapy is about exposing yourself clearly to the things that scare you. This will make it easier for us, for example, to speak in public. Let’s be honest with ourselves and we’ll have a powerful tool.

3. Is fear holding you back?

We must know how to recognize the moment when we allow ourselves to be overcome by exaggerated anxiety. And fears can also evolve and further affect our lives!

When we face a situation or an experience that seems difficult to approach, we reflect. Fears may be related to these limitations.

4. Exercise to overcome daily stress

tips for overcoming stress: exercise.

Did you know that playing a sport is the best way to relax? By generating endorphins, sport helps us calm down.

In addition, it improves our immune system and raises our body temperature.

5. Understand anxiety as excitement

The excitement is not always bad. In certain situations, usually difficult, we need to think of anxiety as a kind of excitement, instead of overly nervousness.

Research has confirmed that people who interpret their anxiety as arousal are more likely to do the right thing and come out of difficult situations brilliantly.

6. It is very positive to recognize the things we do well

It is necessary to make a list of what concerns us and another list of the things that are going well. Once we have made them, we can compare them.

In this way, we don’t just think about the negative. We also think about the positive things that happen to us. It is then possible that the list of good goes far beyond the list of negative things.

7. Look at the big picture

Our survival instinct favors the emergence of permanent fears and fears. We then have the feeling that we must always be on guard.

However, we must try to control the messages of our mind. They may be warning us that something bad could happen in the future. However, it is not for now and that is why we need to relax.

8. Overcome stress: take life as a game

Taking things with humor is as important as viewing activities as some kind of hobby.

To overcome stress we have to think of every action as a game. When something goes wrong we can start the next part and try another way.

9. Important values

Faced with a situation which represents a challenge, which makes us very nervous, let us return to these truly fundamental values.

What is the most important? Our family, the couple, the children, or the professional aspect? Writing down what is most important to us will help us face the seemingly decisive challenges in our life.

10. Helping others always brings us something

Keep the door open to friends and family, help our children with their homework… We need to show our predisposition to support, listen and offer our help.

When we help others we have fewer negative emotions and stress does not affect us as much.

11. Coffee to overcome stress

tips for overcoming stress: coffee in moderate doses.

According to some studies carried out on the subject, coffee can be an excellent ally in certain stressful situations. However, we must take into account that in order to achieve the desired objectives, the quantities must be moderate.

12. Meditation is an excellent weapon for overcoming stress.

We need to train our mind to focus more on the present and on day-to-day activities.

With this, we will avoid future anxiety, and continued fears about past situations. With practice, we will manage our depressions, anxieties and pain.

13. Dialogue with ourselves

A 2014 study with students showed that internal dialogue is much more important than we think. Thus, those who used the pronoun “you” or their own name more frequently, instead of “I”, gained self-confidence.

Another direct consequence was a better ability to speak in public

14. How good or bad is stress?

Is stress good? Some psychologists think this is a sign that our life is important to us. But thinking about the positive effects of our actions will allow our responses to difficult situations to be more appropriate.

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