12 Uses Of Baking Soda For Household Cleaning

Today we present to you the 12 uses of baking soda to perfectly clean your home. Find out all the secrets of sodium bicarbonate and why you should use it on a regular basis.

Have you ever wondered what the uses of baking soda are? You have surely noticed that it is a product that is used to prepare various foods (from savory dishes to desserts) than for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. In addition, it is also found in cosmetics and in a field that interests us every day: cleaning the house.

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a substance that dissolves easily in water and is very abrasive. Therefore, it is very useful for cleaning various problems in the house.

You can use it on its own, i.e. simply dissolved in water, or mix it with ingredients such as lemon juice, vinegar and salt, to enhance its cleansing action.

So, baking soda  is undoubtedly a very versatile substance,  which can be useful in various cleaning tasks. It can be easily purchased in pharmacies and supermarkets.


Main uses of baking soda

Home cleaning uses for sodium bicarbonate focus on removing impurities and, most importantly, building up fat. In addition, we use it for:

  • First aid: to treat burns produced with acids.
  • Personal hygiene: including foot and mouth baths.
  • Insecticide (ideal for killing cockroaches) and fungicide.
  • Increased alkalinity: it is therefore an excellent element to add to water in swimming pools.
  • For extinguishing fires, especially type C, that is, those generated by high electrical voltage.

Uses of baking soda for house cleaning

Below we will tell you what the uses of this substance are at home.

1. Clean pots, pans and dishes

Add about two tablespoons of baking soda to your regular dish soap. This mixture will help you remove fat from the kitchen more easily. If the grease or food is very stubborn, let your dishes soak in water with the detergent and a little baking soda. Then add a little of this miracle product on a damp sponge to avoid scratching your dishes.

2. Surface cleaning

You can use baking soda by applying it to a damp sponge, then rubbing it onto tiles, tubs, sinks, etc. To improve results, make a paste with baking soda and your usual cleaning soap. Apply this mixture and leave it on for about 5 minutes, then rinse well with water.

3. Cleaning the microwave oven


Sprinkle baking soda on a sponge and clean the entire interior of the oven. Moisten the sponge well, scrub and clean your microwave oven, then rinse it with water. This is ideal for removing stubborn food debris while deodorizing the appliance.

4. Cleaning the traditional oven

The lower part of the oven also tends to collect leftover food and sauces. To remove them effectively, sprinkle baking soda all over the oven. Then spray with water and leave on overnight. In the morning, rub and remove with a sponge, the dirt will come off easily.

5. Cleaning of furniture or walls

To remove paint and pencil stains,  rub the baking soda on the surface or wall with a damp sponge. Leave it on for a few minutes and if you feel it is necessary, repeat the procedure. If you don’t think so, let it dry.

6. Cleaning floors and floors


To do this, mix half a cup of baking soda in a bucket of hot water. Wipe with a damp cloth and rinse with a clean cloth. This will leave the floor clean and shiny.

7. Cleaning shower curtains

Shower curtains usually accumulate scale and soap residue. To remove them, sprinkle a sponge with baking soda, then scrub the curtain well and rinse with water. You will find perfectly clean shower curtains.

Another option is to take the curtains and wash them in the washing machine. In the first cycle, instead of soap, we put baking soda. And in the second we add the usual detergent.

8. Cleaning the metal cutlery

This salt is excellent for removing impurities that make the metal dull. To do this, make a small mixture of 3 doses of sodium bicarbonate and a dose of water. Rub the metal cutlery with this mixture on a clean cloth and you will find the shine of your cutlery.

9. Cleaning of traces of coffee and tea

Rubbing lemon slices on stained parts of clothes can improve their appearance.

You can also use baking soda to remove those impossible coffee and tea stains, especially on white or very light colored clothes. It also eliminates odors in the cups. If the area is heavily stained, apply directly with a sponge.

10. Upgrade the liquid detergent

According to popular wisdom,  baking soda gives water a better pH balance,  which helps in cleaner, fresher and shinier clothes. Add ½ cup to each wash with your liquid detergent.

11. Remove oil and grease stains

Just as it can help remove coffee and tea stains, it can also remove (fresh) oil and grease stains. Simply sprinkle a little baking soda on the stained garment (previously moistened),  let sit for a while and clean with a brush. 

12. Eliminate bad odors from sponges


To remove bad odors from sponges, prepare a concentrated solution of baking soda. Use this mixture and let your sponges soak to get rid of dirt and bad odors. It will help you to extend the life of these items and at the same time keep your house cleaner.

There are many other uses for baking soda

As you can see, these are just a few of the most common uses for baking soda. However, there are many more.

It is important to keep in mind that sodium bicarbonate is a substance which, although it has many uses, should not be used on a daily basis other than for cleaning the house.

When it comes to personal care, there are less aggressive options that are more suitable for the skin and hair. If you have any doubts about this, remember that you can consult your doctor.

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