11 Decorating Ideas With Family Photos

Today we present you several creative ideas to decorate your home with your favorite family photos.

Family photos are a classic element in decorating a home. They remind us of pleasant and very special memories of certain moments in our life.

Despite the new trends and the taste for minimalism, many people still place family photos in the living room, hallways or in their bedrooms. Besides, family photos adapt very well to modern and creative ideas. You can use them between lamps, hang them on branches, etc.

So, don’t leave your family photos in a drawer because you won’t enjoy them the same way. Create your own family corner to your taste and dare to look for other original alternatives.

Family photos generally have the power to awaken many feelings and emotions in us. Memories that are usually accompanied by smiles and can be the perfect items to fill your home with warmth.

Original ideas to decorate with your family photos

If you like to decorate with photos to remind you of all the happiest family moments, this article is for you.

We bring you some original ideas to decorate your home with family photos in a simple and fun way.

Family photos on cushions

decorate cushions with family photos

One of the most daring and creative trends is one- color cushions with family photos printed on them .

Customize photos

This technique consists of personalizing the photographs by adding a special touch. For example, if the person likes the brightness, you can add light to the photo frame.

On the other hand, if you like to sew, you can use buttons or sewing elements to highlight that particular feature.

Funny pictures

There is a very funny proposition which is to find similarities between several people. You will need to look for similarities between siblings, parents, children or grandparents.

You can place them next to see how they have evolved over time.

The similarities version will seek to bring out similar characteristics. Find ways to create a family tree with original photographs that show commonalities and differences from generation to generation.

First, choose photos that recreate childhood moments with siblings, cousins, or parents. Then compare them with current photographs to show the evolution or similarities.

This will allow you to create the effect of the passage of time in a creative and fun way.

Family photos on glass bottles

Glass bottles can be an ideal element to decorate a bookcase, a dining room or the top of a cabinet with an original composition. Glass bottles allow many creative decorations.

You can choose a single photograph or also collect several keepsakes and place them inside this bottle. Incorporate a little light, it will give a personal and magical touch.

XL photographs and micro collages

create frames with family photos

In the same way as with cushions, you can also create wall photographs with pictures and family photos.

Mosaic photographs

How about a wall filled with photos in the shape of mosaics? This idea is perfect for decorating pale walls, stairs or hallways. You can give your space a more fun and colorful note.

Hanging frames

Creating photo compositions by hanging them on a rope near a wall is a great idea. This will allow you to personalize different areas of the house, without having to use traditional picture doors.

You can paint simple frames and secure them to the rope using thumbtacks or hot silicone. Finally, choose a cord of your taste that matches your decor.

Wooden clock

Use the mechanism of a clock and hang it on the wall to make your support. Choose the 12 photos you like the most and distribute them in a circle. You can use many types and shapes of wooden frames.

For this, you will need a thin wooden support on which you can make the design of your clock. You can also draw a heart, circle, square, triangle or any pattern you like.

Decorate the wood or leave it in its natural color according to your taste. Then paste the images and hang the decoration you have chosen with your photos on a wall.

Chalk frames

Do you like black and white photographs? Chalk paint is a great idea and the perfect addition to decorate your photo media.

You will need to cut the chalk frames in two different sizes, one larger and the other smaller.

Large frames will be the basis for your family photographs which you can paint with chalk. In the small frames, you will place your photos carefully so as not to create creases. When everything is dry you can finally hang them.

Geometric threads

If you like things that are out of the ordinary, this idea is very original because of its simplicity and freshness.

Use threads to create a spider web shaped backing for hanging your photos. Geometric yarns are perfect for modern but also sophisticated spaces.


Using shelves or just using multiple photographs, you can create different shapes on your walls. You can choose to create the silhouette of a heart to give a romantic touch.

A photo frame is the perfect way to show off your photos. It helps protect them from dust, possible tears and other possible damage over time.

To make your own photo frames, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. You can also recycle certain materials or objects that you do not use and that you have on hand.

Discover in this article some ideas for making your own photo frames. Highlight these beautiful moments that you love to remember so much!

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