10 Tips For Sleeping Well And Waking Up Feeling Great

Going out to breathe fresh air, and have a hot drink before going to bed are two tips that help you fall asleep and feel good to sleep. 

Sleeping well  not only ensures a good rest, but also keeps us active during the next day. Discover our tips for sleeping well.

Each body is able to regulate the time it reserves for sleep. However,  it has been shown that, on average, an adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep.

If you are sleeping less and less, it is because your sleep deficit is building up. As a result, you will be less efficient at work and you will be sleepy all day.

Let’s take a look at 10 tips for sleeping well and being up and running the next day.

1. Coffee is not the solution

Coffee to sleep well.

When we don’t sleep well, we sometimes feel the need to resort to coffee in order to wake up. But you have to control this urge, in order to avoid the abuse of this drink. Having a second cup of coffee won’t help.

You should keep in mind that caffeine prevents the absorption of adenosine. Therefore, the coffee will not calm you down and your sleeping problems will be accentuated.

2. Breathe in the fresh air

Going for a walk before going to sleep can be a big help in getting to sleep. Half an hour of walking is enough to see results.

3. Drink a hot drink

After your walk, it is best to have a hot drink just before going to bed. It is recommended to opt for a herbal tea with milk or honey.

4. Sleep with a pillow

Even if you doubt it, sleeping with a pillow will have a positive impact on your rest.

If you sleep on your back, place a pillow under the knees and another under the waist. If you sleep on your side, place the pillow between your legs. Finally, if you prefer to sleep on your stomach, place the pillow under the lower abdomen.

In this way, you will adopt the correct position for sleeping, and thus reduce the load on the spine.

5. Don’t sleep with your pet

Animals to sleep well.

Sleeping with a pet may seem comforting at first, but 64% of people who share their rooms with their pets have more difficulty falling asleep.

6. Put garlic under your pillow

While this might sound weird to you, one of the best tips for getting to sleep is to put a clove of garlic under your pillow. This trick has been used since Antiquity.

The reason ?  Garlic emits a sulfur scent that soothes and improves the quality of sleep.

7. Turn off your electronic devices

Electronic devices do not help you sleep, or at least get to sleep properly. The light that emanates from it can be more dangerous than you think.

Melatonin, the hormone that controls sleep, only begins to be produced when the light is gone. By having your nose on your electronic devices, you slow down the functioning of this hormone and you will not be able to get adequate rest.

In addition, it is best not to leave electronic devices in the bedroom, so that the brain understands that you are in the place where you are going to sleep.

8. Have lavender near you

Lavender was shown to have calming properties a long time ago. So… Nothing better than putting a few sprigs of lavender next to the bed, or using candles and lavender oils, and voila.

With this trick, you will be able to fight against insomnia.

9. Check the room temperature to get a good night’s sleep

A good temperature in the room is fundamental for a good rest, that is why it is essential to take this information into account and to check the temperature, which must oscillate between 16 and 20ºC.

Suffocating heat will prevent you from having a peaceful sleep, and you will wake up in the middle of the night.

10. Consume the recommended amount of magnesium

Our bodies need a certain amount of magnesium every day to sleep through the night.

Therefore, remember to include foods that contain magnesium in your diet, or to take food supplements about 30 minutes before going to bed.

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